Chapter 3: Tragic School Day

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The next morning came and Raven woke up. She saw some casual clothing on her bed. She gently gets up and looked at the grey shirt that says 'Too Cool For School' and decided to wear it with the black jeans that was with the shirt. She then looked at the wardrobe and saw the blue cloak she wanted hanging on the wardrobe handle. She grabbed the cloak and wrapped it around her body. The fabric felt very soft and it was really comfortable.

Then, Raven went to the bathroom to wash her face and she begins to turn on the water. Raven then looks up and saw demonic eyes staring at her. Raven screamed as she was terrified, holding on to the towel racket. Then she looked back and didn't see it again. Raven begins to breathe heavy and James came in, worried. He saw Raven in the corner next to the bathtub and says "Raven, are you okay? You look startled." Raven shook her head and says "It's nothing. I'm fine." James kneeled down for little Raven and says "Are you sure everything is okay?" Raven nodded and James says "Come towards me." Raven slowly walked towards James and he straightened up her cloak on her. He smiled and says "There we go." He gently played with the ends of her short purple hair. Raven says "Thank you, Mr. James." James says "You know that you can call me dad, Raven. I wouldn't mind at all. You're a very sweet, shy and precious child. You deserve all the love from us, even if you wasn't our very own. Understand?" Raven nodded and James gently rubbed her shoulder and says "Okay. Breakfast is ready downstairs. You're welcome to go down if you want." Raven says "Okay." James went into the master bedroom to finish getting dressed. Raven slowly went down the stairs and saw Deborah cooking breakfast. Raven then speaks up and says "Good morning." Deborah turned around and gasped. "Look at you. You look very adorable, but you're missing something." Raven looks around her and looks upon herself. "I am?" Deborah took off her blood ruby necklace and puts it on Raven. Then she kissed her head. "There you go. Now, you look adorable and beautiful." Raven gently smiled at her and Christian was jealous. Sarah nudged at Christian and he says "Ow!" Sarah says "Don't be rude to her. She's a part of the family now. She deserves to have respect." Christian says "Oh, yeah? Well, not from me. She's not my new sister." Sarah says "She is to me. So, there." Christian says "Whatever. I'm putting on my shoes." He gets up from the table and stomped upstairs to get his shoes.

Sarah saw Raven and patted to a seat next to her. Raven went there and sat next to Sarah. Raven then looked down and says "Thank you for letting me listen to your music. It was beautiful." Sarah says "Aw, thank you." Deborah came with a plate full of food. Deborah says "Here we go, Raven. You will get the first plate since you're part of the family. Pancakes, bacon, sausage and cheesy eggs just for you." Sarah says "I'll get the syrup out of the pantry closet." Sarah gets up and grabs the syrup and then puts it on the table in front of Raven. Raven then heard the raven cawing outside of the kitchen window and it was looking at Raven. Raven then saw the raven and jumped with fear. Raven then picks up a knife and points it at the raven. "Look, I'm getting tired of you and your stalking on me. Get out of here, you red-eye bird! Do you hear me? Get out!" The raven saw Sarah speaking to her and flew away. "Who are you talking to, Raven?" Raven then looked at Sarah and says "No one. I was talking to myself." Sarah says "That's cool. I do that sometimes too." Raven picks up her fork and began to eat her pancakes. James came downstairs with his briefcase filled with paperwork. Deborah says "Ah, honey. You're just in time for breakfast." James says "Great, because I am starving." James sits down in his chair and saw Sarah. "So, Sarah. Are you ready for school today?" Sarah says "Yes and I hope Raven and I will have the same classes." Deborah says "I'm sure you will. Christian, come and eat your breakfast before it gets cold!" Christian says "Okay, I'm coming!" He hurried down the stairs and went to the table. James saw Christian sat in his seat quickly and says his grace. Deborah looked at Raven and says "Since you'll be going to school with the children. I thought you would like to have a name. A normal name." Christian says "How about 'Loser Roth?' He laughed and James hits him in the back of the head with his hand. Christian grunted and James says "Don't be rude, son or I'll sit with you in class." Christian gulped and Deborah thought of a perfect name for Raven. "I got it. Rachel Roth. That is perfect for a special girl like her." Sarah says "I love that name a lot!" James says "So do I." Christian says "I don't." Deborah says "Christian, get your backpack ready, please." Christian says "Fine. I can't wait to leave." He got up and grabbed his backpack next to his door and checked inside to see if he has his supplies.

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