You are dead to me

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Coal: Dang it! Ash left already! 

Sylvie: You know he couldn't wait.

Misty: Coal.... we got something we need to say to you.

Coal: Yeah Misty?

Brock: Well the thing is.... YOU NEED TO GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAM!

Sylvie: Why on earth should she do that?!

May: Because she is weak!

Max: Yeah! A weak excuse for a pokemon trainer!

Sylvie: What about Ash? He has literally been in the top 2 below her every year! Plus she can talk to Pokemon with ease.

Max: Dawn? What about you?

Dawn: Coal..... if you're going to leave.... then all I have to say is...... TAKE ME WITH YOU!* hugs her while crying*

Brock: Well..... Let's see what Ash's pokemon think.

All Ash's Pokemon: * shoot an attack at the tratiors*

Coal:* looks at tratiors * You are all dead to me..... I will return. Stronger and prove you all wrong. Come on Dawn.

Max: Hand over you-

Coal/ Dawn: * fly away on a Charizard* Thanks Char.

Sylvie: We got training to do.

Dawn: Yes we do.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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