Chapter 7: Big Shocker

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Pine trees and newly dead trees skirted by pools of white snow. When the wind blows, the snowflakes look animated. Snowflakes take to the air in an elegant dance, pirouetting around the tree trunks to their own orchestral rustling. When the wind calms, the dance ends and the snowflakes land to form new pools that look identical to the ones they were previously in before they started to frolic. Pulling his knitted scarf over his mouth, Todoroki strolls through the park and enjoying the weather. The corners of his mouth turn into a soft smile as he shuts his eyes, finding pleasure in the winter breeze blowing by. When he opens his eyes, he's reached his destination.

The diner he arrives at is a simple one with plenty of families in it, including his own. Shouto is content with his life, especially now that his father is out of it. It's been nearly a year since he first got the restraining order, and now he's planning Hiroki and Hana's first birthday party with Izuku and Katsuki. Speaking of, the heterochromatic hero finds his mates and their two kids at a table near the window. Three out of four wave at him enthusiastically while the other nods and flashes a small smile towards him.

"Sorry, I'm late. I had to finish some paperwork at the agency." Shouto apologizes once he's with the loves of his life inside.

"It's okay, Shoucchan, but you missed something important," Midoriya explains and snickers at the shocked expression he receives, "Hiro-chan said his first word at home."

Todoroki's eyes widen and his jaw drops, suddenly hating the paperwork that couldn't wait. "Hiroki, what did you tell mommy?"

It's adorable how the alpha is nearly pleading with his eleven month old son to repeat whatever he said to the omega earlier. Hiroki simply looks up at Shouto with those identical heterochromatic eyes and just smiles brightly like Izuku would, speaking without issue without knowing this one word would cause such a strong reaction.

"Dada!" He squeaks before bursting into an adorable giggling fit, especially when Shouto is suddenly tearing up in public.

"Like father, like son. The cuteness skipped the grandfather." Midoriya whispers into Bakugo's ear and chuckles quietly, gently feeding Hana a tiny slice of banana off his plate and watching her enjoy it while Todoroki smother Hiroki with gentle kisses and holding back tears of joy.

"F--.. I mean damn right," Bakugo tries not to swear, but it doesn't work quite well, "all of you are freaking adorable."

It's odd not hearing the blonde cursing and swearing more than a trucker, but after losing a non-winning battle with his omega he's trying to clean up his mouth -- at least around the kids. Deku is back in action now that the twins aren't breastfeeding anymore and anyone who knows Izuku knows how happy he is to be saving the world. He never stopped training his body, though the workouts were toned down during the pregnancy.

"Kacchan, Shoucchan, it'll be just you and the twins tomorrow. I have an early patrol and won't be home until dinner time," Midoriya explains, trying not to sound too giddy when it's obvious that he is, "I'll have to pack spare clothes. Should I get the purees ready when I wake up? They can eat solids now so I should slice up their favorite fruits before I go to give Kacchan and Shoucchan a bit of a break. I hope I can still fit into my costume, I still have some baby fat to get rid of. Maybe I should get up earlier tomorrow and-"

Todoroki nods and doesn't fight back the soft smile that forms on his face, watching the omega look beyond happy and practice radiate sunshine. "Izuku, you're rambling again."

Bakugo rolls his eyes when their omega squeaks a bit and stops his rambling almost instantly, turning into a blushing mess. "Relax, Deku. You're gonna be fucking fine." He mentally slaps himself for the slip, especially when Midoriya is standing up and glaring at him.

"Kacchan! No swearing around the twins!" Izuku hisses angrily like any protective mother would.

Sometimes it's hard to take the omega serious when he's angry or upset because he has the most adorable pouting face. Deku's cheeks puff out like a chipmunk, and there's an adorable crinkle over his nose each time he pouts. Both Katsuki and Shouto team up to tease their lover sometimes, well most of the time, just so they can see that cute pout.

Feeling a little ignored, Hana imitates the pouting and the two together are just a cuteness overload. Bakugo's heart can't take it and he just picks up Hana, hugging his daughter and kissing her cheek. "Daddy is sorry for ignoring you, Hana."

Hiroki blinks at the pouting before looking up at Shouto, just holding his arms up and open. It only takes one word to catch the alpha's attention. "Dada..."

Todoroki wordlessly picks up his son and places a gentle kiss to his cheek, standing up when the rest of the family stands. "Are we going home?"

"Mhm, time to go home." Midoriya smiles as he puts diaper bag/backpack on. He's glad the backpack he used in high school was in such food condition because now it serves as the perfect diaper bag for twins with all the compartments it has.

Another bonus is that it leaves both of his hands open when he isn't holding the straps. The omega's smile widens when the two alphas hold their twins in one arm so their free hands can hold Izuku's. Midoriya laces their fingers together and the smile never leaves his face as the family of five start walking home together.

I don't want this happiness to end.

"I feel like I'm going to die."

"Denki, you're being a drama queen. Izuku had twins, you're only having one."

"Hanta, don't bully me."

Sero rolls his eyes while running his fingers through Kaminari's blonde hair gently, humming contently as the omega purrs a little from the petting. The beta enjoys quiet moments like this because normally his mates are causing chaos, he joins in too since it's impossible to resist. The duo turn their heads to the t.v. and Denki quickly turns up the volume when the news is talking about their alpha.

"Red Riot is a manly hero! He's just like Crimson Riot, maybe even better!"

"He's an alpha and works for Fat Gum's agency. It's a good choice, but what about his mate?"

"I believe the rumors are that he's mated to Cellophane and Charge Bolt. It hasn't been confirmed or denied by Red Riot himself yet or by anyone."

"Charge Bolt and Cellophane, aren't they both betas? Both would be good for Red Riot, they won't slow him down with children."

"They think I'm a beta?" Kaminari suddenly laughs and rubs his stomach gently where his baby is growing, "they're in for a shock."

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