Club ; Chapter Eight

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    It's been a whole week and your stalker hasn't been around. Maybe he got the hint? Or maybe he got in trouble by the "boss." Who is this boss? The others seemed to emphasize it. Maybe some higher power? A mafia lord? A gang leader? You wondered. You looked out the large window of your english classroom, you were going over Shakespeare for the 100th time. "Ms. (L/n), can you tell me what page we are on?" You snapped your attention back to your teacher and looked down at your closed book.
"I don't know, sorry sir."
"Pay attention in my classroom. Turn to page 345." You felt your ears heat up due to the embarrassment. You quickly flipped through the book and looked at the title. Romeo and Juliet , you sighed. This is the third time you've had to go through this story. Once in middle school and once in highschool and now here. It's about two star crossed lovers. A man named Romeo falls in love with Juliet in a single night. They're parents won't let them be together and they plan to run away together blah blah blah. You know the story. There wasn't a happy ending, you wondered what your ending would be like.
"Psst (F/n)," you frowned your brows and looked to your left to a girl named Ryann. You could say you're acquaintances. You hummed in response.
"Let's go clubbing, I have no one to go with and you've seemed upset lately." She whispered.
That was blunt. You guessed that's what you liked about her. She's honest. You thought about it. This could help you get out and forget things for a bit. You nodded and whispered "sure, sounds fun." Her smile got brighter and she slipped a note over. It read:
Club Angels at 9:00 pm, lets meet at the Café near here. Make sure to wear something club like! ;) -Ryann
You looked at her and nodded and smiled. Did you have anything at home that was meant for clubbing. You folded the paper and put it in your pocket. You felt kind of excited, you get to go out. You just hoped you wouldn't run into Brian. It felt weird calling him by his name. You wondered what he was like when he wasn't a... killer. Not to mention the police weren't doing anything but they said you should stay with someone. Going out to the club with Ryann is safe right?

After your classes ended you decided to go shopping for an outfit. Sure you didn't want to spend a lot of money, if you did you'd have to pick up more shifts at the pizza joint you work at. You started to walk to your apartment to drop off your bags, while walking you kept looking around, it became a habit. You looked to see Lucas walking to the Café with his new girl, they were holding hands and laughing. You envied them. You decided to focus on heading home instead of watching them. You walked into the building and walked up the stairs and grabbed your keys and pressed your ear to the door. Nothing. You unlocked it and walked in shutting it behind you. You dropped your bag on the counter and grabbed your purse. You opened your cookie jar and grabbed a few twenties and shoved them in your wallet. You walked to the bathroom and looked into the mirror and fixed your hair. Your skin had a little bit more color. You shut the light off and walked to the door and took one more look around until you walked out and locked the door with your keys. You shoved them in your purse and walked down the steps and walked out. You took a deep breath and walked to the nearest bus stop. You walked pass a local park and saw a family playing on the play ground. The children had to be around five and seven. Another woman was walking a dog. A couple jogging. While walking you bumped into someone not paying attention and you brought your arm up as a reflex in front of you. You were met with worried eyes and then they turned cold. Spencer.
"You doing okay?" He asked. You stood there and studied him. He had grown some facial hair. You gulped, "uh, yeah I guess..." He just stood there saying nothing but kept looking at you.
"List-" you were about to say something but he cut you off.
"I was drunk you know." Is he trying to defend himself? He tried to rape you!
"I-I know but th-"
"But what? Your weird fucking stalker stabbed me and beat me up. I let you stay with me."
"I know you're mad and I never asked him to hurt you... I didn't even know he was watching but that doesn't excuse you. You tried to..." you whispered "rape me Spencer..." he bit his lip.
"Pay my hospital bills then."
"Pay them, it's your fault." You felt rage build in your stomach but before you could go off he let out a chuckle.
"I'm kidding... lighten up." He reached out to touch your hair but you ducked away and held onto your purse.
"I'm sorry but I can't right now... I have to go." You pushed past him and jogged down the sidewalk until you made it to the cross walk. You looked both ways and then walked across the street. You let out a deep breath and looked behind you to see Spencer was walking away. What's up with him? You walked down the block and made it to the bus stop. You grabbed your bus ticket and waited. You looked down the road and saw the bus approaching. The first stop should be the mall. You bit your lip impatiently and the bus came to a stop and the doors opened. You stepped onto the steps and gave you ticket to the man and walked to find a seat. You managed to find an empty seat and sat down and fiddled with your phone. You heard a creak and looked at your side to see someone had sat next to you. He seemed to be a businessman. "How are you today young lady?" You looked at him. You weren't used to random strangers talking to you. "I'm okay, how about you sir?" He chuckled, you watched as he slipped his wedding ring into his pocket.
You cut him off. "On second thought how about you tell your wife how you are doing?" He looked shocked and his ears went red and he choked.
"I-uh listen young lady I do-don't have a wife."
"I watched you put your ring away. No point in lying. Now if you will excuse me, this is my stop." You got up and he didn't get up to let you out. You growled and walked out between him and the seat in front of you. He grabbed your arm.
"How much would it be to bring you home with me?"
"What to meet your wife? Let go." He grunted and let go. You quickly wiped off your arm and left the bus. Disgusting. Men are so disgusting. You sighed and walked towards the entrance. You walked in and looked at all the different shops. You decided to enter a clothing store and you looked around, a woman walked up to you. "Can I help you with anything ma'am?" You smiled and nodded
"Where's your dresses?"
"Right this way," she smiled and lead you deeper into the store. You looked at all the colors and looked down at your own outfit feeling a bit out of your environment. To be fair you were in an over sized hoody and blue skinny jeans and some nike shoes. You fixed your hair to the best of your ability.
"Okay, if you have questions don't hesitate." She smiled.
"Okay, thank you." She nodded and walked away. You looked at all the dresses on the racks and the walls. You flipped through a few and looked at all the colors. Neon green, pink, blue, purple, black, red, so many. You looked further and saw some leather dresses. No. Long dresses, too formal. You grabbed a few knee length dresses and found the dressing room. You locked the door and looked into the mirror. You stripped off you hoody and under shirt and folded them neatly and placed them on the single chair. You slipped off your shoes and unbuttoned your jeans and folded them. You grabbed the first one. It was a white dress. You put it on and looked in the mirror. It showed nothing. What if it gets dirty? You sighed and took it off. You grabbed a light pink one and tried it on. It's a swing dress with a very low v-neck. You looked into the mirror. It was quite short and it showed a ton of chest. You took it off and grabbed a dark blue one. It's a two piece. You put it on. The skirt rode up your butt and it showed a lot of your legs and the top was kind of like a push up bra. You didn't like it too much. You took it off and put it back on the hanger. You looked at the last dress. It was also a two piece and it was black. Black dresses are popular right? You grabbed the top and struggled a bit with it but managed to get it on. It didn't show a lot of chest. You grabbed the skirt and put it on. It covered you well and you could also dance in it. You checked yourself out in the dress and smiled. It's pretty. You looked at the price tag. Sixty dollars?! You sighed and took it off and hung the others on the rack. You need this right? And it can be used for other events. You put it back on the hanger and put your clothes back on and grabbed the two piece. You walked out and looked around. You have heels at home right? Yeah. You walked to the register.
"Beautiful choice!" She took it as you pulled out your wallet and grabbed a few twenties and a five knowing tax is a thing. She scanned it. "Are you part of our membership club?" You shook your head no.
"Would you like to sign up?"
"No thank you."
"Alrighty, that will be $63.76. Cash or credit?"
"Cash." You handed over the cash and she gave you the change and took the receipt.
"Receipt with you or in the bag?"
"Bag please." She nodded and put it inside and put the dress in the bag nicely and handed it over.
"Thank you, have a nice day!" She said smiling.
"You two." You walked out of the store and looked at the bag. Nice, it only took forever. You walked out of the mall and checked your phone. 7:45, you should probably head home and get ready. You walked to the bus station just when it arrived and you got on. You sat down in the last seat and sighed. Someone else walked onto the bus and you looked up to see a pregnant woman looking around for somewhere to sit. Nobody got up. You stood up with your bag.
"Ma'am you can sit here." She looked at you and smiled.
"Are you sure?" You nodded and held onto one of the bars and she sat down. She looked at you and smiled.
"Thanks again girly, it's been hard with this kid in me for seven months."
"Well, congratulations and it's no problem." She nodded and you shifted your feet and looked ahead as the bus began to move.
After awhile you made it to the bus stop close to your apartment and you left the bus and walked to the cross walk and watched the cars drive pass. When it was free to walk you jogged to the other side and walked down the sidewalk. You walked down the block and sighed making it back to your apartment. You walked inside and up the stairs and you unlocked you door and walked in. You placed your purse on the counter and walked to your room and set the bag down and stripped down. You walked to your dresser and grabbed a black bra and unclipped your one you had on now and put the black one on. You grabbed the dress and took the tags off and put it on. You walked to the bathroom and did you hair and grabbed two golden hooped earrings and put them in. Makeup? You sighed and decided yes and grabbed your small makeup tote and began to apply foundation, concealer, power, and some nude eyeshadow. You looked at the lipsticks you had and decided with a deep red. You went with a normal look but this will pop out a bit. You applied it carefully and put the stuff away and looked into the mirror. The lipstick made your (e/c) eyes more noticeable and you smiled. You felt pretty. It was nice. You walked out and looked into your closet and dug through old clothes and shoes and found a black pair of heels. You slipped them on. They aren't that high so you can walk in them okay. You grabbed a small cross chest purse and put your phone and money in it. You grabbed your keys and also put them in it. You looked into the mirror one last time before you excited the house to meet up with Ryann. You took your phone out and saw it was 8:30. Better early than late. You walked down the sidewalk and looked around. You played with the pop socket on the back of your phone and continued to walk until you made it to the Café. You walked in and the bell dinged. You should get some coffee to keep you awake, you walked towards the register and ordered your usual. You looked around and then a tap on your shoulder startled you and you whipped around.
Lucas and his girlfriend, Lisa, stood there looking at you.
"Uh hi," you said shyly and then the cashier brought you your drink and you smiled and thanked her. You began to walk away to sit down.
"Wait why are you all dressed up like that?"
"I'm gonna hang out with Ryann."
"Ryann?" Lisa questioned.
"Yeah, she invited me to go to the club with her." You took a sip of your drink and stood there awkwardly.
"You look good." A voice behind you said. You jumped and dropped you drink causing it to spill on the ground.
"I-I'm so sorry let me pick this up." You said as one of the waitress walked over.
"It's okay no need to." She busted out a mop and finished cleaning it in lest than twenty seconds. She walked away. You looked at the man to see it was Spencer.
"I-I have to go." You began to leave when your arm was grabbed and the person turned you around.
"(F/n)-" Lucas began but Ryann walked in.
"Ready?" You looked at her and pulled your arm away and walked towards her with a nod. She walked out and you followed and got in the car. You buckled and watched Lucas, Lisa, and Spencer watch you leave.
"Everything okay back there?" She asked.
"Yeah, just friendship problems I guess."
"I get it girl." She continued to drive and you made it to the club. She instantly got you two in somehow but you weren't complaining. The music was causing the floor to shake and people were grinding and dancing and drinking.
"Let's get a drink!" She had to yell over the crowd and you nodded and followed her to the bar. She got four shots and handed two to you.
"Bottoms up!" She said and gulped down the two cups and you did the same and laughed. She grabbed your arms and dragged you further into the crowd. You felt nervous at first but seeing her dance you gained courage and began to dance also in rhythm to the music.
"Thanks for inviting me Ryann and for the drinks" you smiled.
"No problem!"
It smelt strong of alcohol stained lips and perfumes and colognes mixed together in one. You felt a rush and laughed.
"I'll be back!" You nodded and continued to dance to the music. You felt free. She walked back over with more shots and you took them happily.
"Woohoo (F/n)!" She also drank and set the glass cups on a tray a man was carrying around. You let the alcohol consume you and you laughed and happily danced with the people around you. Ryann was grinding against some guy laughing and enjoying herself.
"I'm gonna go take a b-break!" You hiccuped and she nodded. You walked out of the crowd and smiled brightly. You loved the feeling of being free and having no worries. You felt your phone go off and you grabbed it and unlocked it.

Unknown: you really know how to turn a man on huh?

Your face drained of color and you looked around turning around and looking everywhere. Is it Brian? Tim? Toby? It can't be Brian you would recognize his number. Your phone buzzed again.

Unknown: no use to look for me babe, I'm everywhere.

You didn't feel like replying, instead you shut your phone off completely and shoved it in your purse and walked to the bar. The bartender didn't seem to care of your age and decided you're old enough. He pushed a bottle of beer your way and you grabbed it with a thank you and you drank it down greedily. You wanted to forget all your worries about some random ass men following you. You finished it quickly and walked back to where you thought Ryann was. She was there grinding and moving against different bodies. You continued to dance and someone got behind you and danced with you. You swayed your hips. You didn't care if you looked crazy or like a whore you were having fun. Your cheeks were red from the alcohol. The person whispered in your ear, a mans voice.
"I can see why Hoodie likes you. You really turned me on babe." His hands gripped your hips hard. You couldn't run and you were too drunk to stop.

A/N: I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you enjoy it too!

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