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if only he would date her,he told her he would but he never did he broke her heart in many ways possibly.He started telling on her and it was just horrible.he never really understood how much he hurt her.He said he never did anything to her...IT WAS A LIE.He told people he cared about her but she didn't think so.he treated her so badly even after that,he wanted her to still be nice to her..she said she couldn't do it anymore,but she still didn't cause she couldn't live without him.Things really got bad over the years.he told her he would date her finally they started talking more than they ever did.on Snapchat he finally added her.She wrote in her diary everything that happen.She told herself IT WAS FINALLY HAPPENING!!!She was so happy that she was gonna date him and they were gonna be together.But 2 weeks later she got a text and it said He has a girl..She totally shut down she just couldn't do it anymore.She tried everything just to kill her self..She confronted him about it.He said they were lying but deep down she didn't believe it..she knew it was too good to be true.She always knew it was just not meant to be but she didn't believe it she tryed her hardest for that boy to date her...she started texting the girls parents and she lied and lied just to get him.she loved him he just wouldn't understand that and that's what she hated the most.She wanted black male,but she couldn't find it in her heart to do it.She loved him to much.One day..

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