chapter 10

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Leo's POV

I drove to school normally. I parked my car and got out. I noticed Max walking on to the school by himself.

I smirked and walked towards the entrance. I walked into the building and looked around. I saw him at his locker and walked towards him.

He turned around when I was behind him and ran into me. He backed up a bit. I grabbed him and slammed him against the lockers.

I whimpered. "I haven't given you a good beating in awhile," I said. He was trembling and holding his stomach as if to protect it.

I slammed his back against the lockers again. I brought my fist back about to punch him in the stomach. "Wait don't you'll hurt them," he yelled. "Them," I asked confused.

His eyes were wide. "I-I," he couldn't finish what he was trying to say. "Who is them," I asked threatening. "They..i," he seemed as if he was trying to come up with something to say, but couldn't get it out.

I tried to think what he meant by they, but then it hit me. "Ate you pregnant," I asked looking into his eyes. He turned his face to avoid eye contact.

Anger filled me. "And let me guess it's Dom's or is it mine," I asked. He looked as if he was about to cry. "Is it mine," I growled. He still didn't me in the eyes, but that answered it for me.

I got him pregnant. I'm a dad. This is great. This means he is mine.

I pressed my lips harshly to his. I pressed him against the lockers and put my tongue in his mouth. I loved to taste of his mouth.

I continued to make out with him in tell I heard some one yell, "dude."

I broke the kiss and saw a crying Max looking at me. I let him go. He began to run to the bathroom covering his mouth.

I looked to see who interrupted my kiss with Max. It was Derek.

He looked at me with his eyes wide. "Dude, sense when were you into Max? I thought you hated him," he said clearly very confused.

I sighed. "I've liked him for a long time. Is there a problem with that," I asked with annoyance in my voice.

He put his hands up and said, "Nah dude. I'm cool with what ever your into. I guess that means no beating him up right?"

I nodded my head. "I wouldn't want the baby getting hurt or killed," I mumbled under my breath, but it was still loud enough he heard.

His eyes wided and his hands and jaw dropped as he stared at me not saying anything. "He's p-pregnant," he said with a studder. "You and him had sex? Was it good," he asked.

"It was amazing," I said happily thinking about it. "Man, maybe I should dump Stacy and get a boyfriend," he said. He seemed as if he was considering it. It didn't matter if he dumped her or not, she's dead, but he didn't know that.

(I usually don't like posting chapters that are less than 1000 words, but in haven't updated in awhile so here you go. I'm sorry if it's bad I was writing with in the middle of the night. 559 words.)

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