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    Decades ago, there was a young orphaned lad who lived in Norwich. He had dark auburn hair, encapsulating amber eyes, and a smile as sweet and genuine as chocolate made right before your eyes. His name was Ryan Davis. If you asked one of Ryan's few friends, they would tell you that for being the shy one, he could crack a joke like a whip. They'd say his heart was that of gold, and how they could go on about how good of a young man he was for hours. On the outskirts of town, Mr. Ryan Davis kept a little shop many would consider skilamalink. Many could skip past without ever knowing what they had missed, blissfully ignorant to the wonders it held. It's hidden to all who don't care, and the intrigued who ignore as their peers draw them away. Only those who know where to look can find it: the little shop where the boy waited for a customer to enter his doors with a deal on hand and a wish in mind.

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