Chapter 6 - Part 1 -Written words

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A soldier enters the throne room shortly after my outburst began, he remains at a small distance allowing me to contain my emotions once more. As I move to stand, he steps forward taking my arm and assisting me to my feet. I blink up at him, his armour much like the rest of the soldiers I had met, though he is apparently more relaxed since his helmet is removed. His ginger hair cut down to inches and his expression unreadable. Handing me a handkerchief, I hiccup, grabbing it I silently wipe the tears from my face. He was expectant of this, had he heard my screams from the door? Did he stay outside allowing me time to process things?

Turning on his heel as soon as I've become presentable he escorts me out. Holding the door open for me as we exit and shutting it with a loud boom, I jump. He ignores my jittery reactions and walks ahead of me knowing I will follow him.

Silently, we walk through the halls my head lowered in shame until he stops before a small wooden door, opening it, and gesturing for me to enter. I step in, and he closes the door behind me leaving me to my own devices.

I twirl around taking in the simple bare room. A beautifully large bed covered with fluffy bedding calls to me. Sliding my fingers across the fabric, I feel their rich quality. At least during my time here, I would be sleeping like royalty. A small treat that I am undeserving of.

Sliding my hand along the fabric, I stop in front of the nightstand. An unlit candle stands tall on a detailed candle holder. Grabbing it, I walk over towards the lightly crackling fire. Leaning down I lite the wick in the fireplace. Turning to the table and chairs in the corner. Placing the candlestick down I pick up one of the apples inside the bowl placed on the table. Taking a nice bite I savour the taste, twirling it around in my mouth as the juices squeeze out between my teeth over my tongue.

Turning my attention towards the large windows along the wall I reach out leaning over the desk in front of the window feeling the cold, transparent material. I had never seen glass windows before. Dozens of small glass squares were attached allowing the sun to shine in and fill the room. Looking out I notice the gardens below, bright, lush colours beautifully displayed in a structured formation. King Thaddeus said he prepared my room, did he plan for the view to be of the gardens? Unsure of if he is trying to be generous and sincere with giving me this room I void the thought from my mind. A servant probably just grabbed a guest room and cleaned it for me. Though if I am stuck here, I guess, I can find some time to sneak out into the garden.

I look at the bright blue sky as the sun hangs high above the castle. This is where the sun disappears to, such a beautiful place with such dark underlining.

I look down thoroughly examining the desk. A quill and ink bottle rest neatly beside sheets of untouched paper placed in the center of the desk. In the corner is a small stack of books, grabbing one I flip through feeling the full quality of the pages. Had the King arranged this room with my interests in mind? A small smile comes to my lips, too many of my passions are inside this room. After all, he was planning on me being his mistress. That thought disgusts me. He had to have told the servants of my interests. Sitting down I take the quill and dip it deciding now was a good time to reach out to my family.

Tapping the quill onto the blotting paper, I bring to write:

Dear Octavius,

I hope everyone is well, I have just arrived at Willbridge Castle. My journey was long and strenuous, but I wished to write to you before I rest for the night. My mind repeatedly wanders to the way those men handled you, it brings a chill to my bones. I fear everyone is thinking the worst.

Tell our father, 'I'm sorry I let him down, and I will be back to follow through with my obligations.

Please easy Chadwick's worry about me while I am away. The way I was removed from the village must have caused many rumours. Our impending marriage is continuously on my mind. Please let him know that I wish to return to him and our family soon, I'm just unsure of when that will be.

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