Chapter 2

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By the time Acerola reached the front door of the malasada shop and stepped inside, her friends were already seated at a small round table in the corner of the shop, with a giant pink box, presumably filled with at least a dozen malasadas, sitting on its glossy, plastic table top. She sighed and let a small smile form on her lips, demonstrating that she wasn't surprised that they'd not only ordered everything, but were already eating their sugary loot by the time she only arrived. Jessie turned around and noticed Acerola beginning to walk over to their table.

"Hey kid!" she shouted, her mouth full of doughy, creamy, malasada goodness, "Where've you been? What took you so long- the world could've ended by the time you got here, geez!"

The purple-haired tween giggled a bit and eagerly pulled out a little white chair from underneath the table and hopped on top of the seat. She then reached into the box for the malasada she had been desperately pining for. Strangely enough, it felt empty. She craned her neck a little and pulled down the flaps of the box further to take a peek inside. Turns out, she was right: there was nothing left but the essence of powered sugar and a single dollop of vanilla cream that must have fallen out of one the doughnuts while it was being eaten presumably by James, due to the visible residue of a similar-looking white cream smeared across his upper lip. She stared at the foursome in mock disgust: "I can't believe you." She growled, trying to hold back hysterical laughter, "How many were in there? Like a dozen, I'm suspecting."

"Actually, dere were two dozen in dere." Meowth replied in a cocky tone, seemingly proud of the capacity of his and his teammates' guts.

"YOU ATE TWO DOZEN MALASADAS?!" Acerola cackled in a half-shriek and half-laugh, "IN LESS THAN FIVE MINUTES?! SERIOUSLY?! HOW COULD YOU?!"

Jessie, James, and Meowth started laughing along with her, "I know, I know! That was a LITTLE selfish of us" James said, holding up his hands up to his chest, "But to be fair, we didn't eat an entire two dozen malasadas..."

"Yeah! We only ate two-dozen-minus-one!" Meowth replied, showing the young girl a wrapped chocolate cream-filled malasada and holding it out for her to take, "See? We made sure ta save one jus for ya! Dat is, in case ya didn't get lost or die on somethin' on da way here."

Acerola laughed and took the Alolan delight from the feline Pokémon's sandy-colored paws, "Thanks guys, I knew you'd save one for me."

"We almost didn't." Jessie replied, biting the last bit of her sixth and final malasada that remained in her hand, "N-not because any of us three wanted another one it's just that I had to remind Wobbuffet that you were coming, and that you would want the last malasada for yourself because it would only be fair. Believe me, you should have seen the wrestling match we had over it."

Wobbuffet scowled and called out half of its name in shock. Leave it to Jessie to use him, a literal walking punching bag, as her scapegoat to try to cover her own sorry bum for being a greedy doughnut hogger. But, given its name in the Poxedex- the patient Pokémon- and the fact that he had been living with and putting up with her for Arceus knows how long, his trainer's comment soon became unimportant to him- water off of the Ducklett's back.

Acerola eagerly took a bite of her Malasada. The doughnut itself was so light and fluffy and the cream was sweet and fresh, and it was still surprisingly warm. She almost could completely understand why the Rocket foursome had eaten nearly six of them a piece! However, as she nibbled on her sweet treat, she soon became quiet and practically began to fixate on the food she had in her hands. The thought of Nanu missing their malasada run returned to her, and she soon became lost in the land of her own worried thoughts: Nanu would have loved this. Chocolate is his favorite. She thought, it's too bad that Jessie, James, Meowth, and Wobbuffet ate the rest of them- I would have liked to have kept one for safe keeping with me so that he could enjoy it too... I still don't understand why he couldn't come along with us. He would never deny going out for a treat, even if he was so busy that his piles of reports were twice as tall as him! I just don't know what's up with him! Maybe he...

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