"Tae, baby, how was your day today?" His mother asked him, putting a small plate of rice and chicken on the table for him and herself. He grinned when he how good the food smelt. He gave a thumbs up, telling her it was good.

"Were you able to meet up the Jungkook? His mother told me he is at the same school." Taehyung shoved the rice in his mouth and nodded his head yes.

"That's good! What about anyone else? Did you make new friends?" Once again Taehyung nodded his head.

"I know life hasn't been easy for us love, but we have moved now. Things will get better from now on, I promise! And maybe, I'll be able to hear your voice once again."

Taehyung gave a sad, weak smile.

I hope so too. He thought.

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