Prompt #4

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Prompt: You know how you did a prompt where Dimitri was sick and couldn't speak? What if it was the same situation with Evan? xD


                I rang the doorbell and Mr. Sudlow answered. He looked tired and sighed as he let me into the house.

                “Evan is sick and has completely lost his voice,” he said. “You’d think that that would be wonderful news, and it was for a few hours. But now it’s just getting…well, you’ll find out for yourself. He’s on antibiotics, so he’s not contagious.”

                “Is he okay?” I asked, frowning. I knew he hadn’t been feeling well the other night, but I had never imagined he was that bad.

                “He’ll be fine. He should be talking again in a day or two, so enjoy the silence while it lasts,” he said, rolling his eyes.

                I nodded and went down to Evan’s bedroom. I pushed the door open and went inside his bedroom.

                Evan was lying on his bed, propped up against his pillows. He was texting on his phone and looked up as I entered.

                His face brightened and he mouthed my name, a weak croaking sound coming out. I nearly laughed, but then I saw his expression and instantly realized what his dad meant.

                His expression was frustrated and a little sad. It was almost heartbreaking to see. He rubbed his throat and motioned me over.

                He pointed at his throat as I sat next to him. I kissed his cheek, putting my arms around him.

                “You can’t speak,” I said and he nodded. “Your dad told me.”

                He pouted and flailed his arms in wild hand gestures. He pointed at me and then at his phone before slapping me.

                “Evander,” I groaned and he slapped me again. “Evan! If you slap me again, I’m leaving!”

                He narrowed his eyes at me, pointing at his phone again. He waved it in my face and I pushed it away, sighing.

                “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know I should’ve texted you. I knew you weren’t feeling well. But I was busy,” I said.

                His eyes widened in horror and I could see the crazy situations flashing through his mind. He reached over, smacking a picture of himself and Rory off of his nightstand, glaring at him.

                “I wasn’t cheating on you,” I assured him. “And especially not with Rory. I was doing a paper for your dad’s class. I had to read a book, do some research, and write the actual paper. It took me a lot longer than I had expected.”

                He texted on his phone for a minute. I sighed helplessly as his dad entered a few moments later.

                “What do you need, Evan?” Mr. Sudlow asked.

                Evan glared and pointed at his dad, then pointed at me. He made more wild hand gestures before flipping his dad off.

                “Ev, don’t flip me off. That’s rude,” Mr. Sudlow said.

                “He’s mad that I didn’t text him because I was doing the paper for your class,” I explained.

                Evan let out angry croaks and snapped his mouth shut, looking frustrated again. Mr. Sudlow gave him a sympathetic look.

                “Instead of trying to yell at me for giving my class a paper to do, why don’t you try to rest your voice?” he said. “Text me if you actually do need me.” He left the room and Evan slumped against me.

                “You should rest your voice,” I said, kissing his cheek.

                He looked up at me, his eyes sad. He rubbed his throat again and rested his head on my shoulder.

                “Take a nap. You look tired,” I said, lying down and pulling him with me. “I’ll stay here until you wake up. I promise.”

                He searched my eyes and nodded, curling against me. I kept my arms around him as he shifted and put his head on my chest. I ran my hands through his hair, kissing his temples lightly as he closed his eyes.

                As he drifted off to sleep, I frowned at him and continued to run my hand through his hair. Quiet Evan was a nice idea, but when it actually happened, it was heartbreaking. I hoped that he got his voice back soon. 

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