Issue 98# "Jabez has a complex !"

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--10:00 am-- 

'What good can I do if aah'm doing nothing, all this relaxing isn't helping me!' Jabez had a difficulty managing a simple and calm life, he wanted to get a little more productive than doing one thing. It made him feel like someone being capable of doing much more than he could, like a free being. 'What's it going to take to get meh a job?!' He keeps his lips invariable, so the neighbors wouldn't bother investigating what was going on inside of the house. 'I know Biming wouldn't want me to work more than I ever did.' Jabez narrowed his eyes inwards the tiled floors, reflecting his own image before him, its like a mirror. 

'But I do! Did my own career make an unsound lifestyle out of myself?' He turned his head away from the tiled floors, he wasn't sure what he should be doing, in this house specifically. 'Maybe, I've just forgotten what it was like to live like most entities do? That I don't need anything to provide me a source of living, nothing to pulsate inside of me, nothing to motivate me other than myself.' Jabez's sense of realizing something, he walks towards the kitchen. 'Its been so long, since I've ever done anything humane.' He froze before the sink, placing his digits across the wide mouth of the sink. 

'Did this derring-do life lead up to this? An unseen complex dwelling inside of me? Superman complex?' He hadn't opened the sink at all, nor tried to. 'Maybe, I hadn't realized it! For this long even? I can't escape what I've become, this is what made me. And what stays, will always.' Jabez added, keeping himself together. 'Because I'm not some clown to give up because of this! It drives me to do more than that!' Jabez clasped his digits together to form a fist, whipping towards the door. "I am what L.A needs, and will only!" Jabez left the mansion briefly, whilst the butlers and maids merely shrugged their shoulders, they heard what Jabez said. And hadn't paid attention to it. 

He skates by people, searching for anything that seems like a crime. He needed to be extra-thorough, this city needs him more than ever. If it wasn't for him being here, he wouldn't have such a title to uphold. 'Aah need a job, it'd be unavailable if I were to apply to an organization. I must take another identity, but that might cause me duality existence! That is royally chancy on my side, aah don't want to lose more of myself than I've.' Jabez wasn't too interested in doing things like this, especially faking an identity when he's looked up to by the people. 'It doesn't matter! Aah'm never gonna break my contract with my job!' Jabez added in his thoughts, so he decided to just keep on trying all he can. 

He whipped his head inwards the direction of where a familiar figure, he cocked up his brows. It was that harold back from Whitestar Academy, he was dealing with a sugar daddy? Instead of watching what else was about to happen, he walks up towards the alleyway, the sugar daddy retracted from his most visible position. 'If it isn't that so-called friend of Yancy! What a jerkwad! He dare comes here??' Harold narrowed his eyes at Jabez's direction, he was about to unsling his survival knife. 

He pauses his tracks before them. "Leave this student out of this, sugar-daddy." Jabez pointed his finger upwards the shady figure. "We were just havin' a conversation, nothing to be huffy about, Jabez. How about I give you one, for free?" The sugar daddy whisked out an otc like object, between his digits. "You buy these things, these cause detrimental effects on your body." He turned his head to Harold, he gnawed on his own lip. "YEAH?? SO WHAT?! I DO WHAT I WANT!" Harold angrily draws out his knife, brandishing it towards the alike. 

"YEAH LET 'IM ALONE--" The innominate sugar daddy swing's a right hook towards Jabez, automatically reacting fast on the fly. He grabbed the forearm and bicep, he then levels himself upwards, then groundwards, the lock was meant to hold him. "I don't want to." Jabez briefly releases his right hand, smashing his fist atop the other's skull gently to prevent death. If he applied more than he did, he might've had a crime committed, but that wasn't his way. 

Harold charges in outrage at Jabez, its like his own expression of rage hadn't altered. Like he really hated the very existence of Jabez, with his knife ready for stabbing. Jabez once again reacted fast on the fly, grabbing the other's wrist before he'd make an attack then he socked Harold across the face. "Is that it? The best you got? Do you feel oh so powerful after what you did to Yancy?" He fell on his knees, his wrist was still in the clutches of the superhero. 

"See that? Silence, haven't you realized she actually loved you! And not me!" Harold's face was had a bruise formed, it was his fault for coming inwards instead of Jabez coming at him. "I set aside emotions over, for my duty, and what she did was unjust. And so what you did,  was sordid, and it is unjust. You belong behind bars." Jabez replies naturally towards the other, he narrowed his eyes upwards Jabez. 

"You're unbelievable! You don't even care how.. how," His own anxiety attacks came up. He suddenly arose like a raging cheetah, the drugs were taking over his mind, he manages to slip out of Jabez's clutches. He delivers a Chinese sidekick, its countered, by Jabez striking into the leg itself, and sweeping a trip attack on his other leg. He added a finishing attack, by delivering a sharp blow across his temple.  'Some sort of augmenting drug, whatever it is. I better add more details when I hand this guy over to the cops!' He carried the other over his shoulder, walking up towards a light post. 

Setting him before it, he began to twist and bend it over, using it as constraints. He brings out a sticky note, and a bullpen, he wrote down words aesthetically to describe it. Jabez then tacked it on his forehead, he began to walk away from the unconscious other. 'People really need to stop taking drugs..' 

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