Realisation pt.1

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Marinette Pos.

As I got home again I was thinking the whole time about what Raven looked up on the internet. "Why would she look at pictures of Chat?" I said out loud. Tiki came up to me. "Maybe because she likes him? But she acts all shy around you! So that shouldn't be the problem, right?" I looked at tiki. "Why would she act all shy around me? Wouldn't that be weird? I mean we are really good friends.. and she's being pretty mean to Adrien.. I don't want her to hurt him some day.." Tiki stared at me for a long time, then sighed. "What is wrong tiki?" I asked. "You're acting like Adrien, I can see it, Alyah can see it, everyone else in class can but you.. why is that?" I looked at her. "Tiki, I have no idea what you mean-" my sentence got cut off by her. "She likes you! Why doesn't anyone see that?! But Chat also likes you! Well.. more or less, you don't really change when you're ladybug.. you're the same, just less clumsy" she giggled. "And you're more flexible, but that doesn't matter.. she likes you Marinette.. why don't you see that?" I rolled my eyes. "Tiki, we are only really good friends." (the sentence that destroys dreams T^T) Tiki sighed and flew onto my desk. "Come on.. you have homework to do.." she said tiredly.

Raven pos.

I was so nervous the whole evening! Marinette was so close and we even held hands once!.. but just because hers were cold... well I don't care! I am so happy! I heard someone knock on my window. Who would climb up to the last apartment? Who?! I looked outside but couldn't see anyone, probably a tree or something. But it wasn't windy. I looked again. No one. I just rolled with it and sat down on my bed again. Maybe I imagin- NOPE. I screamed lightly as I saw chat sitting in the middle of my room. "Meow to you too, princess~" he said. I just started grinning afterwards and cracked my knuckles. "What are you doing here so late?" I said as I stood up. He smirked. "I was so alone and thought you needed company as well. Soo I came by~" he purred out. "Well I am not alone, why are you here in the middle of the night, it's not cool chat." He looked around and ignored me. He looked at my computer and I noticed I forgot to turn it off, you could see what I searched up. It was chat. "Oh I see~ another person that fell for me~ well... sorry to butt in but ladybug is the only person I'll fall for~" he purred out. "Pff- like someone would have a crush on you" I giggled. 'Fuck that hurt- why though?' I thought.

To be continued...

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