How we met

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     Like most families your have never been one to get along well with your parents and siblings. During this moment you have decided to go and sit on the porch out front and get away from the breaking chaos that is happening on the other side of the rickety old door. Your suck in a deep and inviting breath and let it out with a rounded sigh and peer up and the glistening sunset in the far distance. You hear what seems to be someone kicking rocks but for the mean time you ignore it and listen to the wind. The leaves on the trees russel and shake, all you can feel is a sense of peace from what seems to be the perfect scenery.
  "Ack!" A loud tumble and a chain link fence rattles and small bits of rubble hit your side.
     Your jump up getting ready to punch your sibling for interrupting your quiet time but when you look at the fence your notice that this person isn't your sibling. This person seems to be in their mid teens at most. Their vibrant blue hair shines in the almost dead lighting. They have a soft mid toned skin color that looks almost olive color. You see a set of glossy eyes look up at you. One eye is a light blue and the other, a gem stone green. You also notice that there face is scattered with scrapes and scratches, as such are their hands. What frightens you most is that their nose is bleeding everywhere.
     They stand up and stumble, they hit into the side of your porch and you can't help but take a step back. "P-please help... they won't s-stop chasing me.. my whole body hurts," your hear the person whimper out with such a scratchy voice it pains you to hear them force it out.
   "Get back here you blue haired runt! Get back here so I can kick your ass!" You both hear their voices from a distance but the sound of foot steps grow louder as you take the time to think it over.
     You peer down at the person again their point to the window right above them and sat softly, "Crawl in and head down the hall to the last room on the left and wait in the closet." You turn to the road that the person had came from and they do as you say without hesitation. As you wait for the people yo show up from around the corner you decide to think of what to say. Do I say that I've never seen them? Would that be to conspicuous? Would it be easier to just go inside when they show up? What if my family finds thay stranger while they are walking down the hall? How long will they be here for?
     You zone out and don't notice that there are three thug looking guys in front of you that are panting so hard it suprisses you thay they haven't thrown up their lungs yet. You panic and point down the road not knowing if they had asked you anything or not. They three men turn to the road and start running. You guessed right the had asked you something but you can't remember what. You don't think much of it and turn to walk inside when you hear your name being called but a thunderous voice, "•°•°•!!" 
     You let yourself shudder to a halt in the door frame and look up to see your drunk uncle staring you up and down. You sigh and look around to make sure none of your other siblings are around to see such a horrible sight. You look back at him and give a soft smile that you have always given him that after years of practicing your fake smile is so natural it's almost a new face. He gurgles on beer and smirks at you in his nasty 3 day old boxers and shirt that has so many holes in it, it could have been mistaken for  lingerie. He gets in your face and mumbles, "Will you show me a good time again...*hic*.. or atleast to my bedroom."
     You grab his arm and drag him to the closest room with clothes scattered alk over the floor and a bed in the far corner past the loads of bottles and pizza boxes. Your fed up with having to take care of your uncle and siblings all the time and the fact that your parents are over seas on a business trip again. Your push your uncle down and make sure to try and walk away quickly but he grabs your arm and pulls you down onto the bed. You cringe at the wet spot that you are forced to sit on and try to stay as still as possible hoping he will get bored quickly. The bedroom door squeaks a bit and you see a blue eye peer into the room.
     You know for a fact that your whole family has plain brown eyes so it has to be the stranges eyes. You quickly look at the floor knowing that if they see what was about to happen then they may tell the whole town and you will have to move again. You feel a hand run up your side and being to grope your chest. You grind your teeth trying not to snap out at your uncle and possible draw your siblings out of their hiding places. You hear your uncle grunt and fall back on the bed with a springy ting and he let's go of you. You take the chance and race for the door and slam it shut once your on the outside. You give the stranger a death glare and pace to the far room on the left which is the only clean room in the house that turns out to be yours. Your light flicks on and your perfectly made full sized bed with a mound of pillows is the first thing you go to for comfort. You flop onto the bed landing on your stomach and burying your face into the closest pillow you face reach for. You hear the door frame squeak as the person steps into the room and stop where they are. You sit up and hug the pillow tightly to your chest as you glare at them. "Close the door," you mumble and they follow the orders.
   "Why do you let him do that?" They ask.
   "That's none of your business," you say with a cringe and point to the other end of your bed, "sit down."
   They tilt their head and their hair covers the green eye but they follow your orders and sit down and look around the room. You get up and walk to the closet to fetch your first aid kit. Your room is quite plain for a teenager. Other than your dresser that is scattered with a few of your favorite stuffed animals, sketchpads, some random fandom buttons, and a coffee mug. Other than that you have a dirty clothes back at beside your door and a hidden compartment inside of your closet that only you know about. You turn back to the person and set the kit on the bed beside them.
   "P-please tell me your not going to make this h-hurt," they stutter out with the most pain filled eyes you have ever seen on a person and it made you think of your old dog that dies a few years back.
   "If it was going to hurt then I would have you chew on a sock un-till it was over," you groan out. They shudder and lean back as you take out a cleaning towlet and grab the chin and start to clean the cuts. The person doesn't move as you finish cleaning then and putting ointment on them. Once you stay to but bandages over the cuts they decided to talk again.
   "I'm Yoshima by the way. Most people call me Yoshi or Gosh but you can call me what you want," they say with a child like voice. You smile at them and shrug as you press the tape to their cheek.
   "You can call me V," you say so quietly it almost when I'm heard. Your face flushed red as you realize that you didn't say it loud enough but you don't want to say it again.
   They touch the bandage look at you with a sence of delight. "So why do they call you v?"
   You step back and and go to put up the kit. "B-because no one can say my name right. I mean Vejagnestica is such a mouth full. So just call me V."
  They laugh and you turn around to see a smug look on their face. "How hard is it to say Venjagnestica. I mean really. Do you talk to people with speech impediments! Or just stupid people who don't know what they hell a nail is used for?"
     You freeze then give off a smile that you never show anyone. They clap their hands and point at you with a the hyperness of a puppy. "There's a real smile! How good does it feel that you don't have to force it!?!" You look to the floor and slowly work your way to sitting on the end of the bed again.
   "Your lucky to be alive. How can someone who got so hurt be so happy and excited at a time like this?" You peer over at them with teared up eyes.
   They give you such a soft look it makes you feel as though you are being pitied. "Because I was just saves by the most adorible flower I have ever seen." They reach out so touch your hair but you jerk away with a bright red face.
   "ADORIBLE! Flower!" You scream out and turn away. "I never get complimented... and defiantly not by a stranger..what makes you so special to come in and act this way? You feel two arms wrap around your shoulder and pull you back. You are now in their arms and pressed tightly against their chest and you feel them nuzzles into your hair. "Because I know how painful it is to go through so much alone. And I will be by your side un-till you tell me to back off for. Now on. If that's alright with you?" They whisper so softly that you only barely hear the words. You feel a sudden pain flow over you and the tears just start pouring and you grip onto their long sleeves and nod your head. As you cry into their arms all you can sense is a a wave of peace and comfort that you have never felt before. You felt at home and over joyed to have met this person on such short notice. You can hear from down the hall the front door of the house squeak open and a soft and sweet call, "Kids we're home." The footsteps emediatly start coming back to your room. Your mom and dad are home from their business trip three days early.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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