16: Are We Really Doing This?

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The moment Ocean pulled into the parking space Natalie heart started pounding.  She looked straight ahead trying to avoid eye contact with, well, just about everyone. 

Today, was by far going to be the roughest day of her life, she just knew it.  It's hard to not know what to expect. 

What will people think knowing that the rumors are true? And of her officially being with Ocean? 

Do she have to hang around Ocean's group of friends now? What if they hate her?  Not that she cared in the first place, but she doesn't want to be the center of attention.

Dancing was different.  She gets to be someone else for a short period of time that's why she registers up under her nickname and her mother's maiden name.

"Earth to Natalie," Ocean waved a hand over her eyes.

Natalie blinked several times and turn to him. How long has she been spaced out? She noticed that he didn't shave last night because the little stubbles from the day before were more prominent.    God he was so good looking.

Ocean lifted his left hand and placed it on her cheek.  The warm sensation did all sorts of things to her body.  His thumb traced her cheekbone softly until she placed her hand over his, stopping the action.

"Nervous?"  He sounded like he understood completely. 

Sighing, she nodded, "That's an understatement. My stomach is in knots."

His soft smile almost filled up his face.  She'd known Ocean for many years but hardly was on the receiving end of these tenderness.  "There's nothing to be worried about.  Pretty soon they will forget we are even an item."

"Did you tell Jake?" She asked changing the subject to distract herself.

"Well, about that.  I thought that I should hold off on that.  Maybe until you know," he rubbed his neck nervously. "...until he come back for another visit.  We'll tell him then? Good thing he's leaving tomorrow."

Natalie nodded in agreement turning to look at the horde of students going into the school.  They were parked in the third row of the parking lot.  Almost a hundred feet to the school's entrance. 

She agree, they have to keep it a secret from Jake for now. Given her history, he may not be too acceptable about their situation.  Jake was always protective of her, especially after her incident at the last school with the bullying and the fact that her last relationship almost ended with Jake giving the guy two broken ribs and a swollen eye to last for over a week.

"It'll be okay Nat.  Hey look at me," Ocean took her hands in his causing her to turn back to face him. "Trust me?"

She finally nodded and felt like she would follow him to the ends of the earth if he only asked. 

And that thought scared her.

"Okay, let's go."

Ocean released her hands to open the driver side door, slamming it later as he stepped out. He went around to open the passenger door for her, holding a hand out, which she took and allowed him to help her down.  Natalie reached back to quickly grab her backpack and swung it behind one shoulder.

He reached behind her to slam the door.  Ocean briefly looked down on her bent head and placed one hand on her chin to bring her head up.  He chuckled at the surprised gasped as he took her lips for a quick kiss. 

Yummy, she thought when he pulled away.  Natalie sucked in her lips and her little tongue dart out to savor the tingling feeling.

"Would it be okay if I call you Natya? I quite like that name on you."

She shrugged. "Sure.  Close friends and family calls me that."

"And where do I fit in that category?"


Ocean crossed his arms and slowly shook his head.


Again he shook his head before she had a chance to finish.


"Go on."


He smiled, nodding slowly. Ocean playfully tapped her nose. "Yup, my Natya."

Her belly melted at his words. No one have ever call her "my Natya" before.  She quite like that.

When Ocean took her hand in his, entwining their fingers, her lips lifted into a wide grin that time, and all the apprehension she was feeling somehow dissipated. She just had to believe it'll be alright and to believe in him, no matter how odd it sounds.

Yes. Everything will be all right.

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