the second storke

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Here's another chapter for you.

"You should have consulted a doctor earlier. And you're too underweight. Do you even eat an adequate meal? And take a proper rest or your body won't hold-"

The doctor had arrived just as he had calmed down but apparently, Taehyung still looked not well enough for the doctor to pardon him from a full checkup starting from a series of questions about when it started and what he felt.

Currently, the doctor was babbling rapidly while taking his blood pressure. His medical record which he never bothered to check along with family report laid in front of him. It was in his room as was mandatory for every big hit staff to keep them within reach in case of emergency.

"Take in a deep breath and let it out"

Taehyung was so zoned out that he did not even register the change in instrument till the cool tip of the stethoscope was pushed along his heated back. He almost jumped out of his skin when it touched him but Sungdeuk prevented his movement.

"I can't tell you how stupid you have been to keep your condition hidden from everyone. Your heart is very week and your activities are not helping at all. If this keeps up your body will collapse under stress"

To say he was shocked would be an underestimation. Sungdeuk also seemed to lose all his face colour at the announcement, his body sinking into the hair at the side.

"So no vigorous activities. Nothing which will excite your heart and add more stress. Sleep more and light exercise and absolutely no stage shows"

This could not be happening to him. He was already a burden to the team. He could not be any more of a disappointment to them. He did not want to let ARMY down or even prove antis right. He was not a failure.

"But the fiesta"

He tried only to be cut done by the doctor.

"Can wait. Your body was at the limits and that's why all these symptoms showed up. Rest for a while and let your body strengthen up itself. If not we'll have to start the treatment. Call me if your condition worsens and remember, no dance practice and absolutely no concerts till I give a go ahead"

Taehyung could feel Sungdeuk-SSI's eyes on him and it made him feel awful. His dance teacher had put his heart and soul into teaching them and making them stand where they were and how this happened. There was no way he would be able to look him in the eyes again.

"It's alright Taehyung. You'll get over this. We'll get over this. We are a family. The others will understand. We all love you"

Oh god, the others. How will he tell the others? They have put their soul into this fiesta and now this happened. They'll be disappointed and hear broken. And what about ARMY who have been waiting for this for ages. His could he face them? He was nothing but a disappointment.

"It's alright kid. We'll be fine"

He knew it. He just couldn't feel it in his heart.


The talk with Mister Bang had been one of the most difficult ones. He was naturally against telling the others. How could he tell them and break their heart? He could handle it, the pain but Sungdeuk all but ruled him out.

Of course, he knew he could not hide it forever and telling Mister Bang was a necessity, yet he felt like a failure for having a week body. He was ashamed of admitting his own fault and shortcomings.

So they have reached to a compromise, they will hide it from the members for the time bring but Hitman Bang would have to be informed and changes have to be made.

The big hits CEO was shocked but was understanding and had agreed with Sungdeuk. Taehyung could not hide his disappointment at that. Was he that easily replaceable to the company? Would ARMY accept a 6 member BTS during Fiesta? Would they question his disappearance?

The home was for him his safe heaven but the happy laughter of three couples the from the living room was once again a reminder that he was an outcast among them. His chest once again a painful tug but he was careful now. He had to control his emotions. Cannot let himself feel alone even if he is. He still has to pass through the room with three couples to get to his own room

Bracing himself, he opened the door to the living room. Immediately, the three couples stopped whatever they were doing to look at him. He always felt as if they were holding themselves back in his presence. They never joked with him as they did behind his back and although he knew they loved him it was not the same.

"Taehyung, I thought you were asleep. What were you doing out?"

Jin was always the mother hen of the group and the one who liked to fuss on them but right now all it did was alienate him more. They never called him in for the couple sessions, they thought he didn't knew about them and he knew it was to strengthen their own relationship but he could not help but feel Insecure as if he was not good enough. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Jungkook and Jimin not even paying attention to him, lost in their own world and even if he loved them both more than anything and was glad they found each other he cannot help but feel sad. He had wanted something like that with someone too.

The pain intensified some more and all he wanted to do was to curl up with his pillow and sleep.

"I was with Sungdeuk-ssi. He wanted to consult something with me being the new dance line member and all. I'm going up. Have fun tonight"

Before anything else can be said or explained. He was tired and even felt even more alone. All he wanted to do was sleep but for some reason the tears would not stop to fall. It was weird. He was not sad. Not sad at all.

Keep on readings and have fun

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