Chapter one ➳ Moving

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"This book is edited, so if you were reading this book before. I suggest you read again because a-lot
Has changed about it. Thanks for the patience"

This book is a work of fiction;
Any place, character, story and events etc are fictitious.

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I'm a badgirl and i don't give a damn, i'm gonna rock your world with gun in my hands.

Chapter one Moving


I'm in the living room while i listen to my father obnoxiously scolding me. "This is the ninth time you got expelled Eunseo, this attitude of yours need to change!" If you could buy attitude i would have bought one. But i bit my lip and tried my best not to say anything.

First of all it's not my fault the school owners daughter called me a bitch. As appreciation for her not so creative nickname i shove her fat ass face in the trash. The school owner was clearly being biased. So I don't know why i am the one blamed, I didn't started it!

"I was protecting myself" i tried to reason out, i swear my ears are bleeding he is shouting at me so clamorously like i am miles away from him. Hello, i'm just beside you! Here he is acting like he cares, which is rare. He is very busy I don't know why he suddenly cancelled his business trip for me. He didn't do that when i was previously got kicked out from another school.

"You didn't have to shove her in the trash! You know what, i had to cancel my business trip just because my spoiled daughter got called out to the office and is now expelled, move in with your grandparents. For now" i chuckled bitterly, he looked at me like i was crazy but his angry expression not falling behind.

Now i know why he suddenly cared, he decided to throw me out. Because that's what he is good at. Running away from his problems when he don't know what to do with them. Coward.

A flashback then hit me, it was years ago i was physically bullied by three girls and he was called out to the office. I had a broken bone and the bullies didn't even have a scratch. He took their side instead of his own daughter. He even gave them money to go to the hospital. That day changed me drastically.

"You deserve an Oscar, the best father anyone could fucking ask for!" I slowly clapped my hands. His face softened and before he could walk forward i shove him my middle finger and walked away. He turned his daughter into a rebellious devil.

A smile then creep my face as soon as i entered my room. Moving in with my grandparents is so far that best thing that will happen in my life. Well, before my mother died. My life was full of delectation when she was still alive. It's also one of the major reason why i changed. I used to be full of life, delighted. i never cursed. I never got into fights. I was one of the good students in school, hell i was even in the list of good students.

"Oh shit, why is there a water in my eye" i laughed at myself when i felt a tear cascading from my cheeks.

I promised myself not to cry ever again, yet i keep on failing ever time i recall the good memories. I took a deep breath and continued packing my stuff. As soon as i finish packing my things i brought my stuff downstairs. I saw my Dad in the living room. I walked past him ignoring his presence.

"I was never a good Father" I stopped walking and dropped my things on the floor. I slowly turn to his direction.

"Thank you for admitting your faults" I sarcastically said, i raise an eyebrow at him expecting him to say anything else. I saw the looked in his eyes it held a mixed emotions. But the only thing i noticed was sadness and guilt.

I rolled my eyes. "I am the reason why you turned out like this, sorry. I was too busy at work and I didn't have time to-"

"Do i take that much of your time that you can't even spend even just an hour for me? You're even busier than the president" i scoffed, all i wanted from him was love, and even just a little bit of his time. At least play his part as a Father. A good father.

I grab my things as quickly as i cold and walked out of the house, i ballistically slammed the door. I saw my fathers chauffeur inside the car. I went behind the car and knocked on the trunk. It opened and i placed my things there then closed it. After that i went inside the car. Then i closed my eyes as I prepared myself for a long trip.

I felt someone tapping my shoulder, i opened my eyes to see the chauffeur. 'Why the fuck is that dude interrupting my sleep!' I rub my eyes then i notice the car not moving anymore so i stared at the window.

"We're here now Ms.Kim, your things is already inside your room" I slightly nodded my head. I got out of the car and went in the front. Without knocking i opened the door.

As soon as i opened the door, i saw my grandparents standing there. I run as fast as i could and hugged them tightly. They hugged me back.I can tell they we're struggling to breathe so I immediately let them go.

"Out of all my granddaughter, this one is my favourite!" My grandma sarcastically said. I groan when i heard that. A smirk was plastered in her lips and i can't help but chuckle.

"You and i both know i'am your only granddaughter, and i'm sure ya'll are thankful. You don't want another devil in the family" she chuckled in respond.

Grandma then dragged me in the kitchen along with grandpa and made me tell them everything that happened. And i told them everything not missing a single detail.

"We both know that i can't shove anyone in the trash other than your grandfather" in the corner of my eye i can see my grandpa glaring at her, Grandma shrug her shoulder like she didn't say anything wrong. i laughed so hard i had to hold my stomach.

"Take a rest, your going to school tomorrow. If you get expelled again. I will hunt you for the rest of your life" i thought she was joking but the tone in her voice say differently. She was dead ass serious. I don't even wanna think about the punishment that she will make me do if i don't follow her order. I just weakly nodded my head. This is why i love my grandma. She knows how to handle my sassy assttitude. And knows how to get along with it.

I grabbed my things and walked away, i then heard her shout something. "If you wanna eat anything, cook for yourself I ain't cooking for the both of ya'll lazy asses" Grandma said looking at grandpa with her hands crossed.

"I regret my life decisions, seriously" i knew he didn't mean it. Even if grandma is like that. He loves her unconditionally. And you can never separate the both of them. Grandma then kicked grandpa in his friend. I continued walking upstairs to my room as i heard grandpas grievous groan.

I then saw the room that i used to stay at when me and my parents come to visit here. I turn the door knob opening it. I then rolled my eyes around the room scanning it. Nothing changed. It's still color pink. I used to love that color. I wanted to be like barbie. And now, the thought is making me cringe.

I stretched my arms as i let my body fall in the bed, i then look at my things and face palm at myself. I still need to unpack my things. And i did, after that i went downstairs. My vision shifted to the living room. My grandparents was watching something. I ignored them as I grab some cereal, i was too lazy to cook some actual food.

After eating i went to the living room, i sat on the sofa beside grandpa. My eyebrows twitch when i saw what they were watching.

"Uhm, seriously?" I looked away and stood up from the sofa. And quickly made my way to my room. I heard the both of them laughing their ass out at my reaction. I rolled my eyes, disgusted. I can't believe they are watching that knowing that i'm here.

They must have done that on purpose, i just ignored it and did my night routine. After that i went back to my bed and before i knew it. I drifted to sleep.

"Anyone still reading this shit?" 🙊😂

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