Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to @ElmoWatches

Hope everyone enjoys! Comment, Vote, Fan!!

Kayla: Who was your first boyfriend or girlfriend?

Silk: A guy named Gavin!

Mercedes: Silk and Jorydan's cousin, Shawn.

Jorydan: Girl named Rachel.

Sokka: YOU EXPECT ME TO REMEMBER THAT?! That was years ago!! I've screwed to many people!! I never remember the names after the screwing!! I thought you people knew me?!

Kayla: Who was your first kiss?

Silk: A guy named Justin :P

Mercedes: Shawn, sadly

Jorydan: Sokka sadly >.< lol kidding, a girl names Sandy.

Sokka: AGAIN?! You expect me to remember this crap?! I'M SOKKA!! I just screw and go!! I don't think I've ever 'just' kissed someone! SERIOUSLY?! DON'T YOU PEOPLE KNOW ME?!

Kayla: And Sokka- It's not considered 'crap' to that girl btw. She probably knows/cares. Anyways... What is the MOST RECENT thing you regret doing?

Silk: Staying here and dealing with Sokka.

Mercedes: Eating a sandwich.

Jorydan: Letting Sokka live.

Sokka: Not screwing our neighbor. She was hot..I had the chance!! SHE WAS IN MY SITE!! Stupid Jorydan <.<

Kayla: Who's the first person that comes to mind when you think of the phrase "I Love You"?

Silk: My brother Jorydan <3

Mercedes: Jorydan, hands down.

Jorydan: My mystery love, not saying who.

Sokka: SCREWING!! I LOVE YOU SCREWING!! Without screwing I'd be nothing but a flirt ;) but because of it, I'm a flirt and a good time ;)

Kayla: What do you like to do in your free time?

Silk: Write, it's like the love of my life :P

Merecedes: Think or read. They're both calming to me.

Jorydan: Talk to people, read, write, and a bunch of things. Mostly sleep though.

Sokka: Since Kayla said I can't say screwing people, I'd say f****** people ;) Always and forever ;) When .  .  .  . comment removed due to X Rated content!!

Kayla: Where do you like to go when you want to be alone?

Silk: At the park, I like sitting on the swings to clear my head.

Mercedes: A field, any field. As long as I can look at the sky from it.

Jorydan: Alley's

Sokka: I'm never alone lady!! I thought you knew that too!! You really don't know me!! I'm either at hotels or my room!! Action time ;)

Kayla: What is something you find yourself thinking about a lot more than other things??

Silk: Everyone around me; they all have effects in my life :P

Mercedes: Rain, stars, usually things involving nature. I'm calmer then most people well on good days. Some days...Sokka just makes me mad.

Jorydan: My past, it's all I find myself thinking of most of the time. I hate, I regret it, Most of it isn't mine to regret.

Sokka: Screwing people!! You ask the question like you don't know, really Kayla, get to know me ;)

Kayla: Oh, please Sokka! I already knew it would involve sex! Anyways....Next question; Do you have your own stories written?

Silk: "Mistaken" Published on Wattpad, and I have around 15 in my notebook.

Mercedes: Well I have none on Wattpad; I have a few ideas but nothing written.

Jorydan: I used to have "Bring Me To Life (boyxboy)" On Wattpad but that got taken when my cousin wiped my computer. It was the only story I wrote.

Sokka: Sadly I can't think of anything perverted for this, sorry fellow pervs ;) Ladies ;) I have "A Life Worth Fighting For" on Wattpad and a very perverted story that’s added to after every screwing ;)

Kayla: Do you  enjoy being around each other?

Silk: Yes I do! Jorydan usually more than the others, Mercedes and Kayla are close seconds though :P Well I don't like Sokka..he's too...Sokka.

Mercedes: Yes, I'll be the nice one and say I actually do enjoy being around Sokka, it's nice to have a laugh :)

Jorydan: Everyone, but Sokka. He's my best friend but him basically raping me everyday doesn't suit well...

Sokka: Like I said, I'd screw any of you ;)

Kayla: You are out of luck with me Sokka!!

I hope you enjoyed!!

Kayla, Silk, Mercedes, Jorydan, Sokka

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