chapter 1: love

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is it love or is it lust ? 

in the begging of it all u have to wonder . is this real , or is this guy just a really good acter? 

chapter 1: love

if a guy really loves you the first thing he says to you isnt gonna be if you love me you will sleep with me , or hey if you love me you will do this this and this . no he will respect you . not giving a flying fuck what the rest of the world thinks. girls for one if you dress like a hor guys are gonna treat you like one , if you are a hor im srry you dont have anough respect for your self i dont know what happened in your life to make you thaat way but it must have been really bad . guys if u act like jerk girls arent gonna come running after you like you are the grand prize . they might run away from you tho... 

love is speachless.. it has no words. you cant really descibe it . or you can but you will be leaving out all the good parts. loves isnt about how much you can get from some one or how much money they have . its bout how happy you make them and how happy they make you. love is sticking up for you partner when they need it and defending them from your parents when you know that they are wrong when you know that they said some thing that upset your love when you know that you partner is starting to feel uncomfortable.

love is hold her hand in front of strangers, and giving her a goodbye kiss in front of your friends. when some one ask a question about him or her u cant seem to get your self to shut up about them. when some one lies to you and you know that it isnt true trusting them enough not having to ask . love is waking up in the morning hugging a pillow and know for a fact you were dreaming of them again. love is right after a fight saying im srry thank you for making me stronger. its not like every thing is gonna end tomorrow but when you are with them you act like it .

love is knowing that you cant live a second with out them and crying when you brake up cause you were wrong you can live with out them but you dont want to... it just seems to hard... crying cause you know that they can be happy with out you. every second feel like years when they are gone every day is hell and what finally brakes you is seeing them smile and kiss some one else. what finally makes you want to end it all . what makes you rethink every thing .

is it real ? or is he just a good acter ? 

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