chapter three|(y/n)'s pov

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( the picture above is your outfit!!)

A business card? She has her own fucking business card? Full color and laminated.
I put the card and my phone on my bed as I slide off my clothes and put on jean shorts and an orange sweater.
I slide my phone and card in my shorts pockets and brush my hair, scanning myself in the mirror.
God,I'm a fucking mess. How does Lane get to be so naturally stunning? I bet she has all the guys after her.
I sigh as I slip out the back door once more and head to Lanes house.

I finally get there and ring her doorbell. I waited for about a minute before she finally opened the door.
My eyes widen as I scan over her clothes.
Oh my god...

" sorry it took so long,nerd! Come in!"
Before I could say something back she grabbed my hand and basically pulled me to get room.

" sorry it took so long,nerd! Come in!" Before I could say something back she grabbed my hand and basically pulled me to get room

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" like my room? Of course you do." She snickered.

" shouldn't we get to studying?" I ask impatiently.

" jeez,you're not patient at all. Excuse the hell out of me for trying to have fun." She pouts.

I sigh. " whatever just let's get started. What do you want to study first?"

Lane kept moving around where she was sitting. I could tell she was already getting antsy and bored.
" uhm.. try-o-nmi-gatry?" She guessed while looking at the paper.

"Trigonometry?" I raise an eyebrow.

She nods. " yeah,thats what I said."

I facepalm,"right. Why don't we play a game to make this a little more fun?"

Lane was intrigued. "I'm listening."

" for every question one of us gets wrong,we tell something about our lives."

Lane smiled, "now that's the kind of studying I like"

I giggle a bit. She looks sort of innocent and cute when she smiles.
" okay lane,what is the Pythagorean theorem?"

Lanes eyes widen. " I don't fucking know."

" wrong answer " I grin. " so spill"

"Fine. My first kiss was with that Elliott nerd. Him and I went way back."

I gulp a bit. Her and Elliott? At least they're not together anymore.

Lane smirked," who was your first kiss,dweeb?"

I look down. "I haven't had my first kiss.."
I was really embarrassed. I was always wanting to save my first kiss for " the one". It might be Elliot.

I see Lane look down. I could see sympathy in her eyes.

I shake the thought," anywa-"

And just like that. Lanes lips were on mine.
Her soft raven black hair tangled with mine,her cherry lipstick started to mix with my strawberry lipgloss. One of her hands were on my cheek and the other on my waist.
She pulled back.

" there.. you've had your first kiss you're welcome " She huffed.

" why'd you kiss me?"

"..because i felt bad for you..uhm. it's time for you to leave,I'm sorry but I don't like girls like that."

" okay,what the fuck. You came onto me." I persisted.

" no I didn't ,you fucking lesbian. You probably enjoyed it. Leave. " lane started pushing me out of her house.

I finally left,walking home in the dark.

She was acting normal until I asked why. Maybe she was hiding the real reason but oh well. It still hurt. My first kiss followed by bullying. I see a red haired boy walking towards me.

" elliott? " I call out.

" (y/n)? What are you doing at Lane's?" He spoke softly.

" long story short, she just fucking kissed me and right after she told me off. I wanted my first kiss to be with someone special. " I teared up.

" want me to walk you home?" He spoke gently as he put an arm around me.

I nodded.

We eventually reach my house.

"Please be careful (y/n)..there are many people you can't trust..but you can trust me.." he gently pecked my lips before walking away. " goodnight,(y/n).."

I felt,loved.

(ON HOLD)the cheerleader's accomplice[LGBT x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now