Troubles A Brewing

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  • Dedicated to Everyone

     "Come on kids! Let's go!" Logan said up the stiars. "Coming!" Crystal said as she and Joel hurried down the stiars to the front door. "Ready?" Brianna asked. They nodded their heads and went to the car.

     Why does he keep looking at me with that smirk on his face? Brianna said in her mind as she felt the intense stare Noah was making towards her. "We are really happy that you are willing to do this." Logan said as he looked at Brianna and smiled. Brianna smiled back. "Well, I'm happy to help you two out." Noah said as he took a sip of his coffee. "Thank you so much, Mr. Jennings." Brianna said as she and Logan shook hands with Noah. Once Brianna and Logan left with their kids, Noah said quietly to himself, "They won't be happy for much longer... For as long as I'm around..." Noah smirked as he finished his coffee and left.

~*~Later That Night~*~

     After the kids went to bed, Logan went upstairs to the bedroom. "Brianna?" Logan asked quietly as he entered the room. "Yeah, Logan?" Brianna asked as she looked up form her phone. Logan sat on the bed beside her and put his arm around her. "Do you think that this is a good idea to have a babysitter?" Logan asked. "I guess... Mom's always busy and stuff and your mom works all the time." Brianna said. "I'm just worried because I saw the way he looked at you." Logan said. "Logan, I don't plan on leaving you. You were there for me when no one wasn't there." Brianna said. "I know... I just don't want anything to happen to us." Logan said with a smile. Brianna kissed his cheek and smiled. "Nothing will happen for as long as we love each other." Brianna. "Good because I never want to leave you." Logan said with a smile.

~*~Next Few Days~*~

     For the next few days, Noah kept trying to make his move on Brianna. Logan was getting angrier every time Brianna told him. Logan was arriving home after a stressful day at the studio. He saw that Noah's car was still in the driveway. He turned the car off and hurried inside. To his surprise, he found Noah kissing Brianna. Logan instantly felt himself get angry. "WHAT THE HECK?!" Logan shouted. Noah pulled away from Brianna. Brianna looked at Logan, then she quickly looked down as she felt tears form in her eyes. Noah looked at Logan with a slight smirk. "Your wife is an amazing kisser." Noah said. Logan went up to him and drew back his fist and punched him in the face, knocking Noah down on floor. Brianna brought her knees to her chest and cried.

     Logan got down on the floor and started punching Noah. Noah tried to punch Logan, but it was no use. Logan was going so fast at punching Noah. Soon, blood started dripping on the floor. Brianna slightly looked up and saw that Noah's face was bleeding. Logan slowed down his punches and looked at Noah. He then looked at Brianna and saw her crying. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up the stairs.

     Brianna tried to keep up with Logan as he pulled her up the stairs. "Y-You're h-hurting me..." Brianna said through her tears. Logan gave her a glare as he went into their bedroom. He slammed the door and turned to Brianna. Brianna started to shake in fear. She has never seen Logan this angry in all the years that she has known him. "WHY WERE YOU KISSING HIM?!" Logan shouted at Brianna. Brianna couldn't speak. She mortified at what she just saw. "WELL?! ARE YOU GOING TO FREAKING TALK TO ME?!" Logan shouted again. Logan closedBrianna still stood there. "H-H-He.... f-forced... m-m-m-me..." Brianna said queitly and looked down. "I thought you loved me..." Logan said with hurt in his eyes. He looked as if he was going to cry. "I-I do..." Brianna said. "Then why did you kiss him?" Logan asked. "He forced m-me..." Brianna said. "You looked like you were enjoying it..." Logan said with tears in his eyes. Brianna looked at Logan in the eyes. Brianna just kept her mouth shut. Matters were already in flames. "You said you loved me... You said that you never wanted to leave me... You said you would be by my side on our wedding day... We had three amazing kids together... We conquered so many things together in the years that we have been together... Why would you do this to me?... Why Brianna?... Why?... I went to the hospital with you, I gave you my heart, I gave you my life, I gave you my soul... And you do this to me?!" Logan said as tears started to pour out his eyes.

     Brianna looked down. "I'm so sorry Logan... I-I thought that he wouldn't do that..." Brianna said through her tears. "Brianna... Why would you do this to me?..." Logan asked. Brianna looked at Logan in the eyes... "I messed up everything from the start. I never deserved you Logan... I never have... But..." Brianna said, but she couldn't finish due to the tears falling from her eyes. "But what?" Logan asked in a demanding voice. "But I love you... I've loved since I first saw you... I always wouldn't to be with you... Alw-" Brianna said, but she couldn't finish her sentence due to Logan interupting her. "I want a divorce."


And that is the end of 'How Did This Happen?' The forth book to It's A Journey series! I hope you guys enjoyed this book and if you need to recap on the series, please do! Thank you guys so much for everything!

When I was writing this chapter, I literally wanted to cry because I love Logan so much and he is just so perfect in every single way possible. Even to what he thinks that might be flaws, I still love him! No matter what... Okay, maybe if he did something bad, but anyway. Yeah I love him.

If you guys want a fifth book, you guys need to tell me! Should I make a fifth book or not?!

How Did This Happen?(Forth Book to IAJ)Where stories live. Discover now