I was like a tree of depression, except my days were years, and every day that passed was another year to grow. Everyday the sadness enlarged and took over more of my happiness. Every branch that grew from my trunk was another to add to my collection of sorrows. Life became a weight on my shoulders and everyday, the path I was walking seemed to lengthen. Each step I took, felt like a step in the wrong direction. As if the ground was an illusion to cover the sinking sand that would pull me under and devour me. Taking over every pore of my mind with melancholy and somber thoughts. Sometimes I wish the theoretical graves I dig for myself, could become a reality and I could just be a corpse hidden away. Away from all the despising, cruel minded creatures that haunt the bodies of mankind
Branches of Depression
Non-FictionThis is my personal thoughts and writing. Please do not steal. Thank you.