The Beginning

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Magic lives in everything. Ranging from humans to the forest to the ground to the sky, it surrounds us in our daily life. How exactly it came into being is unknown, but its creation has been known since the beginning of mankind. Humans used magic to evolve and those with such abilities are called Magicians. The magicians protected those who were weaker with a sense of pride. That was how society was, the Magicians protected the weak and the weak created to better the lives of millions. Now in modern time, there is technology that flows alongside magic.

There are many schools that furthered the lives of magicians and the inventors but one widely known Academy was Helios. Keyword being was. Helios has gone through unfortunate luck and is not as acknowledged anymore even with the rich sending their kids there for the sake of tradition. However, this is about to be changed. The twist of fate that changed the lives of not only Helios and its students, but the world, start with one fifteen-year-old boy that went by the name, Rood Chrishi.

"Absolutely not! What the hell were you thinking, just enrolling me in a school without my permission?!" Rood's rage was evident on the smaller boy's face as he stared at his brother, his fists clenched. He stood in front of his brother's desk, papers scattered everywhere.

"It will be a good experience for you! You will make a bunch of friends, learn new things, and have fun! You will enj-" Kielnode stood up and walked around the desk but was quickly cut off by his younger brother who grabbed his bag of stuff off the table that was between two couches facing each other.

"No! This is it. Thank you for taking care of me for all these years, I think I will manage perfectly fine without you." He looked at Kiel stoically ignoring the horrified look he was given.

"After all these years I took care of you and loved you? Absolutely not, I can't live without you!" Kiel cried as he grabbed the blonde haired boy's hand on his chest who scowled in return at the drama queen standing before him. Ren Bastola, their neighbor, and friend chose that moment to walk in and she sighed.

"What weird things are you two doing again..." She looked at them exasperated and put a hand on her hip.

"Is now really the time to be doing this? You have a bunch of paperwork you need to be doing." Kiel gave a little pout and let go of Rood who gave a little huff and crossed his arms.

"Apparently not enough if he was able to enroll me in a high school! I don't need to go to school when I can learn here at home. I don't need friends either, I've done perfectly fine so far without them. Tell him that I don't need to go."

Ren gave another sigh and shook her head.

"I agree with him and I helped with enrolling you too. I think it's a good experience for you as well. It won't hurt to try."

This time, it was Rood's turn to sigh and his shoulders dropped in defeat.

"Since I don't exactly have an opinion in this matter, there's no more point of complaining." He said, but not before giving his older brother a glare. Rood scowled to himself and threw his bag onto the couch. He stomped out of the room with a huff of annoyance.


Shicmuon sat in front of his father, or as he so kindly calls him, old bastard. His seemingly eternal scowl was on his face and his arms and legs crossed. He glared at the smiling man, Lanoste, who was sitting in a leather chair, a replica to Shicmuon's chair. The room seemed to be empty with the wide space, filled with only the two chairs and a table between them as well as a couple flora spread across the room. The silence filled the room, only being interrupted but the slight shuffle that came from Van as he shifted from foot to foot.

"Why." Shicmuon's tone was clearly displeased, his annoyance growing as the man in front of him sat there unfazed by his glare. It amused Lanoste, the glare.

"Because your mother had talked about how much she wanted to see you in school. You need some friends, you must be lonely" He said with a laugh yet carefully observing Shicmuon's reaction. In return, the young man in front of him reacted accordingly to his expectations. Shicmuon tenses at the mention of his deceased mother, as well as his eyes widening ever so slightly. After all, Lanoste never mentioned her previously so why start now?

"Fine," Shicmuon said with a tsk.


Dayner looked at her husband, her chest is as heavy as her worries for her youngest son wore her down. She stood behind him as Deloan watched the trees blow in the wind from in front of the window.

"Do you know that at Helios they call him a monster? Is there nothing we can do?" The silence stirred for only a moment after she spoke quietly but stilled quickly after. Her husband did not stir or acknowledge that he heard anything.

Lidusis's smacked against the wall as he was shoved roughly into it. His brother stood over him, his cold glare seemed to drill a hole in the gray-haired boy's heart. The newly formed bruise was not alone as it shared the poor child's body that was littered with plenty more.

"Why are you still here. I told you not to come back here, you monster." Dirod said with icy words. His older brother gave no warmth and Lidusis made sure to never let his eyes meet the others. He quickly apologized and attempted to get back up before he was slammed back in the wall.

"I didn't say you could speak to me, monster." Lidusis quietly picked up his notebook and scuffled away from his cold brother and his friends that laughed at the gray-haired boy's pain.

Although his chest clenched and tears welled up behind his eyes, he quickly shoved the feelings down. Crying wouldn't change anything and he didn't want his mother to worry either.

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