I Hate My Family

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   Specifically my dad. He is such a fucking asshole to me! He constantly picks out things I didn't "clean right". While my sister gets away without doing chores for weeks! Yeah who's the favorite child? I wonder! "Why do you spend all day on your phone?" "I fucking don't! My sister fucking does!"

Who gets blamed for everything? Me!
Who gets to go anywhere with their friends every weekend? My sister! Who has to stay home, get their phone taken away and redo my chores I "didn't do right"? Me! Every fucking time! My sister gets away with so much shit but if I miss one day of responsibilities I get  screamed at and have a mental breakdown in my room! I'm tired of my family that treats me like their fucking servant!

Oh and my sister... Oh boy do I have stories of her. Never fucking does anything with me. On the rare (and I mean rare, like 1/1000000000000) occasion my sister gets in trouble for not doing chores she brings up that I clean less than her anyway and she says "Emma made me (insert chore) last week! I should get off this week!" Like bitch you haven't done chores since last summer the fuck you talking about?! I do it and always get in trouble.

I asked my mom why she gets away with it and she said, "Emma she has a lot of homework. She doesn't have time." That's what she said when she was in 7th grade too and bitch I did mine in 1-3 hours. At least 3 hours left to do other things! Bitch she's just on her phone all the time but heaven forbid I do that and it's, "Get off your phone! Do your homework!"
One night I had homework until 8 o clock, which is late for me, and I was tired. So I went to bed and my dad came in and asked me why I didn't do my chores. "Because it's late and I'm tired." "That's no excuse!" And made me do my chores! Like wtf! Mom stand up for me! Be a mother! Get a divorce please! I hate my dad so ever fucking much!

My mom is the only good thing I have. She won't stand up for me tho. That's why I hope they get a divorce and I live with her and my sister lives with him! Maybe I don't mean that maybe I do...
I just hate my life and wish I could just get a different family.

Always treated like shit and yet I still somehow smile everyday. I don't know how I fucking do it sometimes...
I don't fucking know how.

A/N: Wow I just went on a 450 word rant about my dad being an asshole. Impressive. Yeah I hate him.

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