Chapter 3: How?

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I think I might finally have a routine that I can keep up with. Just know that I do have two other stories that I am working on besides this one and I will have to rotate on which one gets worked on. So far, Wednesday is my best working day for stories. Updates should be on this day for the next few weeks.

Also, there is a question at the bottom that I would like for you to answer; it will help how I want to shape the story.



There is no way in hell that he is standing right in front of you. If you recall correctly, he had a huge thorn staked through his chest and then crushed by the falling building.

"How are you here?" you couldn't help but ask. You want nothing more than to run up to him and give him a hug, but Devin wouldn't let you go close to him.

"I-I-I'm no- not sure." 'Dylan' said. He then tried to walk closer, but Devin backed the two of you up.

"Sorry man, but until we get to the bottom of this, I don't want you anywhere near us."

'Dylan' looked so dejected and hung his head. "I really don't know how I got here; but if we are going to wait around, can I at least get some clothes?" He asked as soon as he realized he is way underdressed and tried to shield his body.

Your face lit up like a Christmas tree and went to grab him some clothes....some of Devin's clothes.

"Can I take a shower to get this stuff off me as well?" he asked, motioning to the slime, and of course, you agreed.

As soon as he left, you received a harsh glare from Devin...uh oh.

"Ok, care to explain?" he asks.

You give an uneasy grin, "Um, I don't have an explanation!" you nearly yell.

"Oh come on, you don't think I'm that stupid do you? Even I can put two and two together." Devin said as he crosses his arms.

You hang your head down and slump your shoulders. Letting out a sigh, you explain how you had found a seed in your pants pockets and decided, against better judgment, to plant it. Nothing bad had happened until now so you didn't see the harm in keeping it.

Devin gives you a dumbfounded look. "We nearly died, and you thought it was a good idea to plant something from that accursed place?!"

"Was it still such a bad thing? I mean, it brought Dylan back!" You countered.

"Yeah, but what if that is not Dylan? What if it is that beast instead and has taken the form of our friend?"

At that comment, your shoulders slump. What if he's right? What if Dylan is Demitri in disguise?

"What do we do? We need to be one hundred percent, right?" you question.

"Yeah, maybe we can ask him questions that only the real Dylan would know the answers too." He suggested, to which you agreed.

~a few moments later~

The three of you soon take a seat at the dining room table, ready to interrogate your once dead friend. For a while, no one said anything, an awkward silence that continued to grow until Devin finally broke it.

"Ok, explain how the hell you are here."

"I told you, I don't know. I remember me dying at the hands of the demon and then nothing. Next thing I know, I am breathing fresh air again. " Dylan explains. "How long have I been....dead?"

You and Devin glance at each other, before you speak. "Three years. You have been dead and gone for three years."

Your friend released a very shaky breath. "Three? Heh damn, and I am suddenly back again. It's....kind of scary to think that."

You leaned over and gave his back a small pat. You wanted to hug him, but you are still unsure if this is your real Dylan or not.

"Sorry man, but it has been that long. Alright, because we still need to be sure that you are who you say, we need to ask a few more questions. Before we left on our trip to Borneo, what kind of job did you have?" Devin pushed on.

Dylan's eyes lit up, "I use to work at Wal-Mart! Though, I doubt I still have that job." He laughs.

Devin narrowed his eyes, "Why the hell are you laughing?"

"I am just happy to be alive! I can go see my mom and dad and little sister again. I can continue what I was doing before dying!"

That settled it for you. Dylan hardly ever mentions his sister and he sure didn't talk about her on the trip. There is no way that he is Demitri in disguise!

You stand up and give him a full force hug. Tears finally roll down your eyes when he returned the hug.

"I missed you so much." You sobbed.

His hug tightened, "I've missed you too."

You look towards Devin and notice that he seems to be looking really hard at Dylan, almost like he is still unconvinced.

He finally gets up and walks out of the room, leaving you and Dylan to be sappy.

Devin's pov

I walk into the hallway to get away from the sobbing mess in the room. I still feel funny about Dylan, like there is more to him just being back. I make sure I am far enough away so I can make a phone call to Jay. He needs to know what has happened and what he thinks about this.

I pull out my phone and dial his number. After about the second ring he answered.

"Hello?" his voice answered in a groggy way. I look at the clock and see that it is already close to midnight. He must have been asleep.

"Hey Jay, it's me, Devin. Sorry to call you this late, I didn't look at the time." I explained.

"It's not a problem. What do you need?"

"I thought you might like to know that Dylan is back."

Suddenly, he sounded more awake. "He's back? How is that possible? He was killed and then left in a crumbling building."

I ran my fingers through my hair, "(Y/N) planted a seed that came from the area of that monster, and I think that has something to do with it. He acts like him and even answered questions that only he would know."

"She planted a seed?"

"Yeah, and by the looks of it, the plant brought him back."

"......I'm on my way over." With that Jay hung up.


How many of you like Dylan? Any of you have a soft spot or attachment for him? Asking for future reference. I have two ways I want this story end, but I can't decide on which direction to take. Well, I kind of do, but I want to take account to your feelings about it. 

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