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Have you ever wonder why things happen the way they do at times in our lives? Well for me this story gonna be about how a Short Love came about to be my first ever true love than more but you will find out in the end. Stay tuned and find out what lies ahead.

                                                               HOW IT STARTS

It normal for every teen and young adults, to have a Facebook. Well on an ordinary day in Redlands,  I was sitting in the family computer room or at that time I think my sister room. I could never remember. Anyways am on FB browsing along the site. Well before all that I found something out. The news was told to me that same day my father Ralph had a heart attack and was rushed to Riverside Community Hospital. Boy, was I devastated that I found that heartbreaking news. I was thinking why my dad of all people in this world. Why did it have to be him what did he do to deserve this Heart Attack? As I kept pondering the news of this Heart Attack I was thinking maybe if I post it on FB it should help take some of the pain off my chest.  I guess you could say it did help till I get a notification from a use to befriend from the choir. Saying " so sorry girly to hear about this tragic news, am here for you if your needing someone to talk to."

                                                             WHAT HAPPING?!?!?!?!

Getting off Facebook for the night and just think "like how did this random girl see the post of my dad being in the hospital for his Heart Attack." Next morning came, laying in my bed trying to wake up and I say I guess I'll go back on this thing we call a computer and Facebook. Decided that I look to see who this random girl was and how she knew me. Finding out that she saw it cause I was good friends with a girl she knew from another friend. I go about my day and I end up sending this girl who name is Kaitlyn a message on FB saying this " hey thanks for the support that was nice of you." Here the thing I never even told our once to befriend Rudi thank you for the introducing me to Kaitlyn I still to this day never. Now I look at it what the point of saying anything to her we don't speak. Time flew by and we got to know each other for a while then came the magic date of (5-8-13) the date I know I'll never forget in my lifetime. That date is the day I finally asked Kaitlyn to be my Girlfriend. First I was scared that she would have denied me altogether. Shocking that she said yes!!!!!.

                                                           THE IN-BETWEENS

So we start dating and things go well for a while till we first break up cause she wanted to be good with "GOD" That was the first time we ended things I guess at that time we thought was the best for us both. Shortly after we stop talking for a long while before ever making up and being friends for a while. That till we decided to have gotten back together. Months pass and I come to find out Katlyn wanted to tell me Kalene I wanted to tell you that "I was not really found of dating you in the beginning but I did say yes to have not hurt your feelings." Kaitlyn only said yes to me so my feelings were not hurt what so ever. Time went by and she over the period grew to like me and started falling in love with me. That was only just the start of it all. Over time we had our ups and down just like other couples we fought and had our good times I really don't know what we had more of fights our good times. For a while, we fought a lot cause Kaitlyn was also dating this guy from out of state, should I say the name, oh ok I will ( CHASE) EWWWW. Well for a good time period while she was dating me she was dating Chase at the same time the. Biggest different is I was local in-person Chase was long distance boyfriend which in the end was never a great one what so ever. But then two years passed and my secret came out about me being transgender. 

                                                    TRANSGENDER SAY WHAT?!?!?!?!?!

Yes, am Transgender (FTM) Female to Male. I have been out since March of 2017. First ever person I came out to was Kaitlyn my ex or as known of is Twinge. How did that take a twist or turn in our relationship? Well, I start off by telling Kaitlyn we need to talk about something important. Kaitlyn said what is it I then say well I am transgender. Hope after I told her that she would take it well. Good news Kaitlyn did take it well. I was very happy amazed she did take it as well as she did. For as time went out we begin adapting to the whole news of "ME" wanting to be "TRANSGENDER" "FTM." I'll say it was very shocking news to us but lest it was not worse. Weeks passed and Kaitlyn and I where thinking of a name and we must of went threw about dozens of names before picking the one that would stay for lifetime. The name we ended up picking was (TYLER BLAKE FLOREZ) a name that had a ring to it. What was so cute Kaitlyn did was when our friend Terra would call me Kalene Kaitlyn would correct her and tell her it not Kalene it Tyler. it was amazing to have her by my side with much support. but there more to the story keep reading to find out what happens in the end of it all.


As the time went on we fought lots and had a big blow up that we did not talk for a long while. Which was super sad to me cause I did not want to loose her. But reality I did loose her as my lover my Queen of life. Kaitlyn started dating this other girl named Steph but than did not go so well than we had got back together after her and Steph on me had a falling out of thing. When we got together it was not long till we were fighting again and than Kaitlyn started dating this new girl name Kat. That was a journey watching that relationship happened I never liked the girl she was whatever to me. But life goes on as people say.... One day Kaitlyn and I came up with nicknames for each other. The name is "TWINGE" don't even ask how we came up or got the name is just came along the way. That when we both talked and knew it would be best we stay as great amazing Bestie for life. so for the past 8 months we been nothing but just friends and I still love her with all my heart. I would love to get back with her cause I feel she the one for me but I put aside my feeling just to make her happy so by doing that I just stay her TWINGE her Bestie for life. Cause I know in the end it what she wants and it makes her happy in life. but what about what I want it all cool I rather make her happy first she everything. KAITLYN THANKS FOR BEING MY TWINGE FOR LIFE YOUR AMAZING AND AM GLAD WE HAVE EACH OTHER FOR LIFE YOUR THE BEST.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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