Son of a bitch

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The glass banging against the counter made me angry. I lifted it from the bar and debated smashing it over Kenny's head.

Slade squeezed my hand. He didn't say anything. He probably didn't know what to say. What did you say when a dead body sat outside while you sat in a dirty bar?

That son of a bitch.

"Why are we here?" I raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were going to find your ex so she could bring my dad back to life?"

The barmaid stopped pouring the drink and looked at me but it didn't matter. I wished she would call the police. I wanted to see Kenny talk his way out of it.

Kenny gritted his teeth and took another swig of whatever was in his glass. "She's fucking crazy. Don't listen to a word that comes out of her mouth."

The nuts spilled on the counter when she slid them toward me. She shrugged, showing how little she cared.

"The only one who is crazy is you." I sighed, I wished I knew how to shoot daggers into his skull and leave him crying on the floor like a big baby.

Slade's beautiful face came in between Kenny and I and chased the thought away.

"Now is not the time. If we're here it's for a good reason." He ran a hand down the back of his neck.

Kenny rested his glass on the table. "Listen to your boyfriend before you piss me off."

I opened my mouth to say more but stopped.

"You think I give a shit about the bartender hearing you talk about the dead body in my trunk?" He cocked his head sideways, several heads turned.

"She's done." Slade touched my arm. "She won't say another god damn thing."

I shut my mouth, when his hand slammed down on the table, the hand that killed my dad.

Kenny put an arm around me and pointed across the room. "See the blonde?"

I searched the crowd of drunks and found a skinny blonde wiping a table.

"She's the girl who can bring your daddy back to life. Unless of course you've changed your mind and want us to dump him on the side of the road somewhere."

I pulled away from his fingers toying with my hair. "I haven't changed my mind."

"Alright, work your magic."

I waited for Slade to stand.

"Why can't you go ask her?" I looked at Kenny. He made everything so complicated.

"I don't know why I didn't think about that." He nodded at the bartender and took his glass. "Oh that's right. She hates me."

I sighed. "Doesn't everyone?"

Slade interrupted us. "What's the issue?"

"I sort of beat the shit out of her husband and threatened to make the rest of her life miserable." He shrugged.

"And you think we can convince her to help?" I rolled my eyes. "By the way is there anyone that can stand you or do you like it that way?"

Slade shook his head.

Kenny raised an eyebrow. "I love how even though you know I hold your dad's life in my hands you're willing to talk shit to me. It's kind of a turn on."

I swallowed.

Slade sat his beer on the table. "I said we would help. I didn't say I'd let you sexually harass my girl."

"You call it sexual harassment. I call it foreplay."

I grabbed my drink the sweat soaking my fingers. "What are we supposed to say to her?"

"Say whatever you need to, do whatever you need to. Just get her to agree to a meeting." Kenny downed his. "And do it fast she's off soon."

I looked at Slade. "Maybe you should try without me."

"Whys that?"

I wasn't sure why, but I hoped any girl willing to marry Kenny could be crazy enough to let Slade hit on her. "Maybe you can use your charm."

Slade rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't have charm, I'm a fucking asshole. I'm still trying to figure out how I keep you around."

I smirked, the first time since Kenny killed my dad. "You are more charming than you will ever know."

Kenny's balled up napkin bounced off my forehead. "Enough with the romance, nobody cares about your undying love in this bar."

I hoped we could convince her or it didn't look good for my dad.

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