( 1; Let's Be In Love )

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( Chapter One ; Let's Be In Love )

I blinked my eyes very dramatically at my lovely husband that was sitting across the table from me. He had this secret smile on his face. I blinked them again only this time his smile widened showing off those deep delicious dimples that I wanted to bite off his face.

"What mon àmant?" Kellan said taking the last swallow of his wine in one huge gulp.

"It's pretty quiet in here. I think we just may be alone tonight." I answered with daring twinkles of mischief in my eyes.

It was one of those rare nights where the house was completely empty save for me and Kellan. Hale was off somewhere with his boyfriends. Kennedy was at a sleepover at the Karl residence. Our little Sophia was out with her nounou, they'd be back a little later in the night. We were just finishing up an early dinner, I was going to retire to my closed off painting room and get my fingers dirty. But my husband just looked so sexy sitting across from me I didn't want to leave him.

"What is your pretty brain trying to concoct up now?" I blinked my eyes dramatically again, this time letting them flutter as they settled back on him.

He chuckled heavily which sent my body in a frenzy. He read what was being portrayed through my eyes. I remembered why I loved this man so much. Because even after 4 years, he knew me still. He knew what I wanted, what I was thinking, and what kept me going. It was still Him, my Adonis.

"Since we've had dinner, we should do a movie?" I dipped my finger in my desert, having already decided I wasn't going to eat it.

My finger lifted up to my lips coated in chocolate and whip cream, I stuck it inside my mouth marveling at it's sweet taste. Kellan bit his lip letting me know I was affecting him exactly how I wanted.

"Movie? Titanic?" Kellan asked with amusement in those perfect grey eyes of his. I laughed while shaking my head no.

"Not Titanic. Something scary." I said sticking my leg out to rub against his.

"Stephen King horror or John Carpenter horror?" I shrugged my shoulders not really caring.

Honestly me and Kellan never actually sat in the theater room and watched a film all the way through. That's why I love how he knew where this whole setup was going. We both had this sneaky look on our faces like we were keeping a secret.

He stood up and held out his hand. I took it, getting up out of my seat. I dipped my finger into my desert again trying to quickly stick my finger inside my mouth. Kellan caught my wrist before it could happen. He didn't hesitate before sticking my finger inside his mouth instead. Like always my body came to life and took in the pleasure he was building up inside me. He slowly teased my finger with his warm tongue, he wasn't satisfied until my finger was clean.

"Let's go pop some popcorn." He said in a low tone that had me nodding my head obediently.

Kellan was still the King of teasing. Everything he did was teasing and enticing. While we were in the kitchen trying to get some popcorn prepared, he had already got me prepared to not pay attention to the movie but more attention to him.

I reached for the popcorn in the above cabinet but I was just a couple inches shy. He was right behind be pressing his hard body against mine reaching out for it, he pressed a small kiss against my cheek and handed me the box of popcorn. Then he stood back leaning on the counter to watch me.

The atmosphere in the kitchen couldn't get any hotter. And while he may take the crown for teasing me, I had my own style of teasing him. Like once I got the popcorn started in the microwave, I bend over to look through the bottom cabinet for a big bowl. I grabbed it setting it on the counter and stole a glance at him from out my peripheral. His pupils were blown and those grey eyes were swirling with lust.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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