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   Once I got Sam settled in my room, I gently asked her what was wrong. Her eyes kept flitting towards my window, although I saw nothing outside. My brows furrowed.

   "I'm being followed. I thought it was just a coincidence but then he turned up outside Starbucks this morning and then when I left school. Ser, I'm scared. You're dad's a lawyer, can't he do something?"

  My eyebrows raised. I took a deep breath. If she was being followed, it was for a reason. That's the first thing we need to find out. Maybe her parents were caught up with bad people, which is likely. Her father is the sheriff and her mom is the local prosecuting attorney, just like my dad.

  "Okay, calm down, for one. And two I need you to write down everything you can recall, psychically about the man. Can you do that for me, Sam? You can sleep with me tonight and we'll tell my dad about it in the morning." I reassured her. She nodded, going to my desk for pen and paper.

   I walked over to my closet to pull some pajamas from the built-in-the-wall drawers.

    "Hey, here's a pair of PJ's you can sleep in. You know where the bathroom is. "

  Looking over to her, I find that she's shaking like crazy. I felt a strong surge of concern and protectiveness for my basically sister. I wrapped my arms around her and bring her into my embrace, which wasn't hard for my 5'7 frame to her 5'2 one. Running my hands up and down her back in a soothing manner, that I've done for years when she was stressed, I lead her to the edge of my bed. I hand her the clothes and grab mine to change with her. I know she won't want to be alone.

   After we get changed, I pop in a movie. She walks down to the kitchen with me and we grab coffee and Sour Patch Kids.

   Halfway through the movie, she falls asleep propped against me. I carefully move her into a more comfortable position, mindful of her carpeltunel.

   Sighing, I lay down next to her and switch the television off. I think about Sam and what to do in her situation. I know she won't go to the police, not wanting to cause a fuss. But my blonde friend is too stubborn for her own good sometimes. I grab the paper she wrote off my nightstand and read it.

Brown hair
Blue eyes
Black Nikes
Leather jacket
Dark blue jeans
Tattoo - stars around his bicep

My brain clicks at the last one. I've seen a tattoo like that. Recently, too. As I try to remember, I look over to Sam, wondering if she'll be okay.

   The next morning, I wake up to see no Sam and I shoot up, grabbing my over sized t-shirt that I slipped off during the night. I hear voices downstairs as I run out of my room.

   "Sam? Dad? Ellie?" I yell.

   "Yes, honey? What is it?" I hear the cook, Maria, call back. I sigh in relief.  Now walking down the stairs, I see Sam sitting at our breakfast bar joking around with my sister.

   "Where's dad?" I ask. My eyes flick over to Sam, silently asking if she's good. When she smiles, I take it as a yes. Winking at Ellie, I grab a coffee cup and fill it with the source of life known as coffee.

   "Oh, honey, he had to leave for work. He said to tell you he'll be home around dinner." I nod and plop on the booth next to Sam. Nudging her, I flick at blueberry at her. Grabbing one herself from the bowl on the counter, she throws it at me. I flinch back, only for it to land in my coffee. I stare down at it and stare back up at her.

   "You better run, Blondie." She rockets out of her chair and runs toward the bathroom. I grin like a wolf and follow, though at a slower pace. She never was the best at hide and go seek.

   "Ellie! Sam! I'm going shopping. Wanna come?" Showered and dressed after the blueberry incident, I have nothing to do but this. My editorial on juvenile court is done, I have no case studies to do for Law Studies, so I'm good.

   "Serie, can you stay home and watch Riverdale with me? Pretty please?" Ellie, who is the number one champ at puppy dog eyes (besides Sam Winchester obviously), asks. Sam smirks and looks at me with a you should've known this was gonna happen look. I sigh. Oh well, I have enough clothes anyways.

   So I go upstairs to change and put on my glasses. I don't feel like wearing contacts. I throw on a Dr. Who baggy t-shirt and my Harry Potter fluffy pajama pants. Throwing my hair into a bun, I walk downstairs just as the doorbell rings.

   "Ellie! Don't touch it! Nor you Sam!" I run to the door before they could get it. It could be a serial killer for all they know. I open the door only to come face to face to Everett. The new kid.

"How did you find my house, stalker?"

   He smirks and looks down at his shoes, then back at me. "Nice glasses, cutie."

  I blush and raise my eyebrow. "Answer my question, serial killer."

  "Small town. Turns out you're quite popular." He answers. I open my mouth to answer but Sam does before I do.

   "Serena, whose at the door?" She screams from the living room. I roll my eyes and tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

   "It's the new kid." She comes barreling down hallway.

  "How the fudge did you find her address, creep?" She questions him. I smirk. Really? Does she really think she sounds threatening saying fudge?

   "Everybody knows my address, Sam. Remember my dad and mom were like the most popular in the town once?"
   I'm not kidding. They held all the barbecues, pool parties, funded all the dance, everything. That was until my mom died anyways. The only thing I know about her death is that she was shot by a "burglar" and it was right after Ellie was born. Everybody says burglar but I have suspicions becaus her death is never the topic of conversation. Dad always gets a look of anger when anything gang related is mentioned and a major gang-leader was caught not even days after her murder, 3 hours afterwards.

   "Can I come in?" Everett nods his head towards inside my house. I consider his question in my mind. He didn't seem that bad Friday in the courtyard and I kinda wanna learn more about him, preferably what happened. So I let him in. Little did I know he was doing the same thing, just in a less innocent way.

So? Good, no?
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Hasta la vista, loves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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