Pacifica Northwest remembered her first meeting with a ghost.
Flashback opens
"Pacifica Elise Northwest we need to talk about your report card" said Preston Northwest
"But i got straight A's!" said Pacifica Northwest
"An F in Math!" said Preston.
"But my math teacher called you because i got an......"
But Preston rings the bell at Pacifica.
"Pacifica Elise Northwest you're grounded." said Preston Northwest
Pacifica was sent to her room without dinner.
Pacifica growled "Stupid parents talking about report cards" before she had an idea.
So Pacifica ran away to take a bus to a cemetery in California.
Pacifica Northwest arrives at San Isabel Cemetery where she meets the ghost of a depressed girl with long black hair and wore a white dress.
"Hi i'm Pacifica Northwest, what's yours"
Pacifica and Marimela blushed.
The Human and The Ghost
HorrorA girl whose life changed forever when she meets the ghost of a girl.