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My pounding head was what woke me. I screwed my eyes shut tight as a wave of pain spiked at my temples. I groaned, rolling over in the soft bed to bury myself in the duvet. That's when my body stiffened with sudden fear and my muscles screamed at me in protest.

My eyes shot open and instantly blurred with tears as they were met with the light from the window. Once recovered, my eyes scanned the room wildly. My body instantly relaxed when I saw he wasn't there.

'There' was a small room with dark wood walls and floors, making the room look smaller than it is. The only furniture was the bed with the thick grey duvet and a red armchair situated to the left of it. Two windows were on opposite walls, I could only see a wall of trees through both. A door was tucked away in the corner, and another across from it.

I felt suddenly claustrophobic, trapped. Ripping the now suffocating covers off me I made a run for the door on shaky legs. I wasn't expecting it to be unlocked, and it wasn't, but the thought of not trying all of my options made me sick to my stomach. I would do anything to get out of here, wherever 'here' was.

I rushed to the next door, which was unlocked, and opened it to see a small bathroom. There were no windows, nothing but a toilet, sink, and small shower. Letting out a huff of frustration I made my way to each of the windows, one of which didn't even have a latch. As my fingers were fumbling with the window a voice behind me made me freeze.

"It won't open." he said it quietly, almost as if he didn't want to alarm me. But my heart beat a mile a minute, trying to dig itself out of the body that was at the mercy of this monster. I whirled around, my hands shaking and my eyes wide.

He leaned against the door I hadn't heard him open. His clothes weren't bloodstained and he actually appeared to be clean. I didn't like it. It made him look human, like someone deserving of forgiveness.

He pushed off the door frame and stepped forward. He was too close, less than two yards away. My heart couldn't handle that so my eyes searched for an escape route. The way he was positioned in front of me blocked the open doorway and he had confirmed for me the windows weren't an option. The only thing left to do was hide.

I bolted for the bathroom, sprinting like never before. His response was quick, like he was anticipating it, as his footsteps followed loudly behind mine. I was mere inches from the door, just managing to yank it open a foot before he collided with me and we slammed against it.

I yelled in absolute terror, I didn't like the feeling of his body pressed against mine so harshly. It felt like he never intended for me to be away from him, to never cease his torture.

His arms wrapped around my waist and he hauled me away from the door. My hands flailed for anything, anything I could use to drag myself away. But he was too strong. When my struggles and senseless screaming didn't stop he shoved me against the wall beside the window.

"Stop fighting me!" he roared, effectively stopping my struggles when his hand closed around my throat. "Just because I didn't shoot your brains out doesn't mean I can't kill you in other ways."

Shudders racked my body as tears stung my eyes. I closed them in an attempt to keep the water from spilling over the edge but it was futile as droplets leaked from the corners. They traveled freely down my cheeks and dripped onto his wrist. His hand slowly released the pressure around my neck and came up to wipe the tear tracks away. My eyes shot open as I sucked in gasps of air.

I stared into the dark pits that were his eyes, utterly confused and completely terrified. How could he go from strangling me to caressing me in a matter of seconds?

Regret flashed in his eyes as he gazed at my tears on his fingers, but it was gone so quick I thought I might have imagined it. His palms rested firmly on my shoulders as my hands balled into fists at my sides. My nails carved crescent moons into my palms. I couldn't control my rapid breathing as he leaned closer and stooped until we were eye level.

My eyes dropped to the floor as I angled my head away. I could feel his breath on my cheek, hot and minty. My muscles were straining with stress. "Why haven't you?" I asked, my voice trembled. "Killed me?"

His jaw ticked. "It's not what I want." He stepped closer, completely pushing his body against mine. My hands instinctively came up to press against his broad chest, smearing blood on his grey t-shirt.

I pushed my arms out as much as his strong body would let me, squeezing a few inches of space between us. My heartbeat roared in my ears. "W-what do you want?"

Quickly, so quickly I flinched at the movement, he moved his hands from my shoulders to clamp on mine that rested on his chest. I squeaked and immediately tried to free my hands but he held on tight. My bleeding cuts throbbed.

He stared at my face, as if he wanted to memorize every detail of it. His gaze made my insides clench uncomfortably and I squirmed, trying to shake it off my skin. "You," he whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear it even in our close proximity. "I want you," My eyes widened as his dropped to my lips. "All of you."

My chest rapidly rose and fell and in a flurry my flight instinct kicked in. In one giant yank I pulled my hands from his and propelled them at his face. I caught him off guard, causing him to lean back. But he didn't step away.

What could this man want with me? This murderer has no reason to cage me here. I should be dead, I should be with Sam. Anger surged through me at the thought of her, how he had so cruelly ripped her from me. But that anger was soon replaced with anguish as I realized that I was the one that left her. Selfishly, for my own safety. I wanted to laugh. I was far from safe now.

Seeming to come to his senses, his large hand snakes around my back to fist itself deep in my blonde locks. He pulled harshly, forcing my head back as far as it would go.

A strangled whimper fell from my open mouth but he ignored it. He dragged me forward, forcing one of his legs between the both of mine. I tried to swallow, this was a whole new type of close. I could feel every inch of his body on mine, strong and unavoidable. He easily engulfed my small frame.

His face was mere centimeters from mine, his mouth aligned to my gaping one. I cringed and attempted to move my head but his grip on my hair prevented me.

"One day you'll stop resisting," he said. I could feel his breaths fanning my face and see every pore in his face. He has flecks of gold in his brown eyes. "You'll realize you're mine. I own you."

I had no time to react as his lips converged onto my open mouth. I wanted to scream, I wanted to pull away and run as fast as I could. But I couldn't. I was trapped.

So instead I squeezed my eyes shut as tight as possible and tried to push his tongue from my mouth with my own. But he's stronger than me, in every way, shape, or form. There's was no hope to be had.

An eternity later he finally pulled his lips from mine, breathing rapidly. I couldn't bring myself to look at him as I felt beyond violated.

His nose traced my cheekbone to the shell of my ear. "Welcome home."

His hands released me, my scalp throbbed and I felt bruises forming on my hips. He stalked out the door, head high and shoulders straight, as if he was proud of what he had done. Of the lives he took and the life he now holds captive.

The door shuts behind him and the last thing I hear before my ears are drowned with the sound of my own sobbing is the click of the key in the lock.

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