Chapter 4 - Nick

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Wednesday/Memorial Day

I awoke to my phone buzzing on my nightstand. I looked over to the clock on the wall opposite the bed and saw it was thirty minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. I reached over to grab my phone and saw a notification that I didn't recognize. I swiped my screen and realized I had one missed call from work. They left a message saying that it was not mandatory for staff to report to the school today, due to Memorial Day. Alrighty then.
I went back to sleep and awoke at nine twenty-three, feeling happy that I got to sleep in. Let's face it, sometimes it seems like I love sleep just as much as a teenager. So, I got up and made my way downstairs to the kitchen, where Sara was holding Lucas while making what smelt like bacon and eggs. I scooped up the adorable little bean and bounced him in my arms, admiring the cute giggles he was making.
Sara turned around with a spatula in her hand and said, "You don't have to work today I take it... but I do." She said with a frown.
"Oh, that's surprising." I looked over as she was stacking bacon on a paper plate in the center of the counter.
"Well, I won't have time to eat because I have to go soon, but will you feed Lucas?" She asked.
"Of course, you think I wouldn't?"
"Well I didn't know if you knew that I didn't feed him yet." She said with a humph. She then walked over to me and kissed Lucas on the forehead and told him she loves him.
"Remember to drive him to his grandparents house at ten." She said, opening the front door. And like that... she was gone, not even bothering to kiss me, and tell me she loves me. I sighed.
"Oh, and I'm getting picked up by one of my friends, so you can use the minivan if you need it, instead of your stupid car." She said, grabbing her oversized purse off the kitchen counter.
"My car isn't stupid... and what friend is driving you? What's wrong with your car?" I ask, while Lucas pokes my nose.
"Nothing's wrong with it. Why do you always want to know my business all the time? God! Why cant you just shut the hell up for once?!" She screams.
"What the heck did I say? Why are you freaking out like this? I was just asking you two simple questions." I argue, trying not to scream with Lucas in the room.
"Matt is picking me up! God, now are you happy?! And I'm not freaking out!" She yells, opening the front door.
"Sara, wait, why are you so angry? Just wait a second! Who is Matt?" I ask, running over to her.
"You better sign those divorce papers today or else I'm not just going to leave, I'm going to take every single thing in this goddamn house!!!" She screams, slamming the front door. Lucas is crying now.
I walk over to the living room window to look for Sara, and see her get into a car with this so called, "Matt". They peel off, leaving me flustered in my own thoughts. I calm Lucas down, and walk over to the dining table to sit him in his highchair. Then I get our food, and sit down at the table. Lucas immediately starts filling his mouth with smushed up carrots. A smile forms on his messy face... I'm glad he's happy, even though I'm far from it.
We finished eating, and soon after, climb into the minivan to drive to Sara's parents house. I drop off Lucas and get out of there as soon as possible. Now, don't get me wrong, I wanted to stay with my son for longer, but her parents can get really annoying at times. Also, I wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone right now, let alone the witch's creators. So here I was, in the McDonalds parking lot, sipping a Diet Coke and wondering what I was going to do.
I finally got myself to stop thinking about everything that went wrong in my life, and decided to head over to the beach. I definitely deserved it. So, when I arrived, I walked down to the water, and sat down in the hot sand. I was just getting ready to put my toes in the cool water, when I heard a familiar voice. I looked over my shoulder and I swear I almost had a heart attack! It just turns out that there was Leah, sitting ten feet away from me in a red beach chair talking on the phone. Finally, the first good thing that happened today. I shot my head back out towards the water, in fear of her seeing me. But... she did. I noticed her start to walk over to me, so I forced myself to stand up. When our eyes met, I swear, it was so awkward. Why? Because it felt like an eternity before she was in talking distance. She gave a little wave, as she approached me.
"Hey! I wasn't expecting to see you here." I said.
"Yeah, same here. What a coincidence." She said smiling.
"So how're you enjoying the day off?"
"I'm glad we have it, haha. What are you doing here alone? I thought you would be with your family, considering." She asked.
"Well my son is at his grandparents, and luckily my wife had to work."
"Luckily? Why is that?" She asked with a little worry in her voice.
"Um, yeah... well, my wife and I aren't really having the best of times right now. Actually we have been going through rough times for a few months now." I said, realizing how much I just told her. I kicked myself.
"Oh... I'm so sorry. Um, do you need to talk about it, or something? Are you okay?" She asked, very worried now.
"I mean, I'm not okay, but you don't have to worry about me, its fine." I tried to smile to make her feel better, but I don't think she was convinced.
"Well, I am worrying, because you're someone that I don't want to see upset, or hurt. If you don't want to talk though, then that's okay, but if talking about it would make you feel better, then I'm more than happy to listen." She said.
Wow, she is way more understanding and kind than I thought she was. Maybe she would be good to talk to about this.
I must have been smiling quite a bit, because she asked, "So does that smile mean you want to talk, or..."
"Yes, I think that would be good. Thank you." I said, because I truly am thankful for her.
"Oh, okay!" She said with a smile. "Do you want to find a nice quiet place to sit, or do you want to go to the café up the road? Wherever you feel like going..."
"It doesn't matter to me, but the café sounds nice. Maybe get some food or something?" I say, trying not to make it sound like a date.
"Okay, sounds good. I'll meet you there I guess." She said with a pleased look on her face.
"Okay." I said with a smile. She walked back to her beach chair and folded it up. I made my way back to the minivan and got in. The sight of the car makes me sad again, but I look over to Leah's newly fixed car, and then I'm happy. I wave to Leah as she opens her car door, and she waves back.
"Well", I say to myself as I start to back out of the parking space... "here we go".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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