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  "Absidee! It's for you, someone named Rachael," Greg, Jon's dad, called upstairs. I rolled over in bed and grabbed the phone off the receiver on Jon's nightstand.
  "Hey Abi! Did I wake you up?"
  "No, well, yea. How was last night?"
  "That's what I'm calling you about. Wanna meet for lunch? I'll pay and I have gas money!"
  "Alright, yea that's good. I'll pick you up at Ryan's around 2?"
  "Sounds good! I have some tea," I could almost put the pieces together.
  "Alright, see you then," I hung up.
  "Did her and Ryan do the nasty?" Jon rolled over. I guess I woke him up.
  "I'm assuming so," I rolled over and smiled at him. He kissed my forehead before standing up. I did the same, grabbing my clothes from the floor.
  Jon and I did it. We had sex. Neither of us were drunk and it just felt right. No nasty details, but we definitely enjoyed it.
  "I'm meeting Rachael for lunch at 2. After that I guess I'll take her home. Wanna ride with me to take her home?"
  "Sure," he stepped into his bathroom to take a shower. I pulled my shorts and t-shirt on and went downstairs to get some breakfast.
  "Absidee, what do you think?" Mary asked as she picked Megan up. She had put a bow and dress on the poor dog, but regardless Megan still wagged her tail and smiled.
  "Old mutt looks fabulous," I laughed and rubbed the dog's head.
  "I think she looks ridiculous," Greg scoffed as he read the morning paper.
  "Maybe she thinks you look ridiculous with that big fluffy robe," I joked to him as he rolled his eyes and sipped his coffee.
  "Hey now, this is genuine deluxe K-Mart material," Greg laughed at his own joke as I rolled my eyes and made myself some cereal.
  "Honey that's no breakfast. Here, let me fix you some homemade waffles in the new waffle maker," Mary offered.
  "I'm actually meeting someone for lunch around 2, so maybe I should keep breakfast light."
  "Honey it's 9 a.m., I think you'll be hungry again by 2. Here, I got it. Go sit down."
  "What's the point in having cereal if you won't let anyone eat it?" I joked as I sat at the kitchen bar.
  "Cereal is for early mornings when Jon and I have to meet for a new project or something for his work and we don't have time to cook."
  "I guess I should know that," I sighed and opened a magazine.
  "Hey mom, morning dad," Jon kissed his mom on her cheek and sat next to his dad at the kitchen table, wearing a grey t-shirt and plaid pajama pants.
  "No good morning for me?" I inquired, batting my eyes like crazy.
  "And good morning to you, Miss Absidee," he shouted to me, laughing his maniac laugh, making his dad give him the funniest look.
  Mary handed me the giant homemade waffle and I thanked her profusely.
  "Jon, honey, what do you want?" Mary asked while she was still in the kitchen, pouring a cup of coffee.
  "Eggs and toast are fine, thanks."
  She nodded and fixed his breakfast.
  "What's on today's schedule?" his dad asked us.
  "Abi is going to lunch with her friend, Rachael, then we're going to take her home."
  "Where's home?" Mary asked.
  "About an hour and a half north," I answered.
  "How did she come around? Fan of yours?" his mom suspiciously asked, sitting beside me.
  "No, she works at a shop somewhere up there and her and Abi hit it off pretty good, so we all went to Ryan's last night. She seems pretty obsessed with him."
  "I'll have to meet her," Mary winked at me. "Speaking of, Jon, we have a meeting with one of the writers of SeaQuest next week. Filming starts in the summer, so as soon as you graduate we have to rush the move. Abi, are you still planning to move to Orlando with Jon?"
  "That's the plan as of now."
  "Okay well we can all discuss the move closer to it. Now Jon, what is on your list for Christmas? Same for you Abi. Since it's December now, may as well get my list going."
  "Mary, you don't have to get me anything," I said shyly, as I do every year when she asks me, yet she always gets me something really nice.
  "Abi, you can make this easier or harder on me. I would rather it be easier but whatever you choose sweety."
  "I guess some new clothes, or a new tv. I don't really care," Jon answered.
  "Money for Orlando," I also answered.
  "Alright, can do. I'm going to go get ready, Greg before you leave for the store let me know. I need you to get me a few things and I'll make you a list."
  Mary took charge in the house. She always had everything under control and always had everything planned. Jon and I, on the other hand, were very sporadic and last minute.
  I eventually ended up showering and going to lunch with Rachael, where we talked about how the previous nights had gone.
  "Ryan didn't even get drunk. We ended up going to his outside deck where it was quieter and talking. We connected on a lot of stuff like politics, religion, relationships, music and movies. Anyways, eventually We made out some more and one thing led to another, and you can fill the blanks. Thing is, he was really sweet about it. He wasn't too forward and it was kind of romantic. As romantic as it can get at a party. And we have a date this upcoming weekend!" Rachael smiled the whole time she talked. She seemed genuinely so happy. "So enough about that, what did you and Jon end up doing after y'all left?"
  "Well, we uh, got out to the car and he kissed me," I shyly smiled.
  "SHUT UP!!" she slammed her hand on the table, causing some surrounding tables to look at us.
  "That's not all," I continued. Her eyes grew with excitement as she pieces together the puzzle. "We uh, you know."
  "Oh my God you rebellious little shit! I knew y'all were secretly a thing," she excitedly whispered.
  "No, we seriously aren't and weren't. But I mean, there was a connection, it meant something, you know?"
  "Because y'all are in love!"
  I smiled as the waitress brought our check out. "Maybe," I finally admitted.
  "Here," she handed me her credit card. The waitress came back and we kept talking. Rachael was honestly someone I felt so safe talking to. Not as safe as I did with Jon, but very safe. She was so genuine and nice.
  "Rachael, what are your plans after school?" I asked out of curiosity.
  "I graduated last year," she explained.
  "Oh! I'm sorry," I quickly answered, embarrassed.
  "No, no, it's all good. I'm a bum," she laughed as she paused to retrieve her credit card from the waitress. "But no man, I still am trying to figure it all out. I don't know, I kinda want to move to this area. Before my mom and dad died, we used to come here to visit a lot."
  "How did they, uh, pass?"
  "My parents loved partying. They loved their prescriptions. They took a few too many and got behind the wheel. They drove off a bridge. I kinda hate them for it, I begged them not to go and I said I just wanted them home, but instead they sent me to my friends house and carried on. Now, look where I am. I was homeless for 3 months until I finally got the small job I have. I live in a strangers basement. But I guess I'm happy now. I'm really happy that we met. I know it's only been a week, but I've honestly never really had a friend."
  I smiled and felt relieved that she felt the same. "I feel the same way. I've never had friends other than Jon. Of course there's Britany and Ryan, but I can't relate to them much. They're actors, you know? It's nice to meet someone who isn't an actor."
  She hugged me as we stood up to leave. "Maybe we can hang out next weekend," she suggested as we walked to my car.
  "I'd like to."
  We drove to pick Jon up and made our way to the Walmart that we picked Rachael up at. Jonathan of course had the radio blaring the whole time, and of course I had cigarettes lit the whole time. We made car rides fun, we loved them. When we got to the Walmart, we hugged Rachael and told her we would talk in the week.
  "What do you think?" I asked Jon as we drove back home.
  "I think you should be asking Ryan that," he smirked at me.
  "We were right about our speculations," I smiled at him, laughing.
  "Oh, Ryan," he laughed. "Hey, let me see one of those," he said as he picked up one of my cigarettes and lit it.
  "Jon! What are you doing?!" Jon had never smoked before. Never.
  "Hey, calm down. I'll buy you more."
  "No! Jon what are you doing? You don't smoke!"
  "I've been stressed. Lay off. It won't be a regular thing," he said as he took a drag.
  "Jon, this isn't like you. You've been explosive lately. You're drinking. You're smoking cigarettes now?"
  "Absidee, with all do respect, fuck off. You don't know what you're talking about. You smoke, drink, and you're explosive too."
  "I've never been explosive. I can't be, Jon. I've never been given a voice, except with you. You've always given me one, and I've always used it positively. But the other day, the way you were exploding at your mom, the way you exploded at me, you said you didn't feel enough. That isn't like you. You're goofy. You're fun and happy. Everyone gets down but what the hell is it, Jon? Let me be there!"
  Jon sighed deeply, throwing the still new cigarette out of the window and smiling at me. "Just going through a rough patch," he assured me. "I promise, Abi, I'm fine. I guess I just, I don't know. I'm a little on edge about going to Orlando. I'm literally going to be leaving everyone, everything behind. I'm so excited for SeaQuest, don't get me wrong. And I'm excited to have you there with me. I just, I don't know if this is what I need."
  I couldn't relate to what he said. And that's what sucked about our friendship. We were just alike, except for the acting. And Jon hated talking about acting. He hated admitting he was on top of the world. So the very few times we talked about it, it was awkward.
  "Jon, I-"
  "You can't relate to what I'm saying. That's okay, Abi."
  "I'm just excited to be with you. To get away with you."
  "And you," he turned to me and smiled, kissing my cheek. He ran his hand through his dark blonde- almost light brown- hair with his right hand and held my hand with his left.
  A lot of thoughts ran through my mind. One being, "what are we?" and another being, "do I address it?"
  "Abi, I know what you're thinking," he looked over at me, squeezing my hand. "Truth is, you're my best friend. I am and have been in love with you, I don't want to rush things or make you uncomfortable. I don't even know if you feel the same. I just, am in love with you."
  "I love you too," I smiled, turning onto the exit that look us home. "I love you too."
  So I spent the night at Jon's house as usual. We watched funny movies and cuddled in his basement for the most part, and it felt normal. Didn't feel any different, and I loved it. Jon has always been home. I felt his steady breath on my neck as we watched the first Austin Powers movie, occasionally we would burst out laughing. We eventually ended up ordering a pizza and watching about 3 more movies, falling asleep on the fourth one.

The Usual: A Jonathan Brandis FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now