Chapter 4 - Bad News

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Snow's POV
I arrive at the hospital and meet Skye and Nate there. We walk in together through the long corridors until we reach the door that says 243. I open the door and almost shaking when I see mum on the bed holding crutches. She sees me and I run into her arms like it's the last time I'm going to see her.
"Are you okay? I say never wanting to let go
"Snow I'm going to be okay, you need to stop worrying too much"
"Are you coming home today?
"Yes I can come home now"
"Do you need help?
"I'll be okay"
"Mum this is Nate our new neighbour"
"Nice to meet you Nate"
"Nice to meet you too Mrs White"
"That makes me feel old, please call me Elizabeth"
We all go home I say by to Nate, he says he'll come over at 4:30.
I made some hot chocolate after this stressful day and went upstairs to my room read a book until my eyes couldn't stay open anymore, I hadn't realised I'd fallen asleep until I heard a knock on my door then I realised what time it was 4:34.
"Come in" I say in a very tired voice.
"Did I wake you up sleeping beauty?
"No you didn't i've just been staying up all night"
"It's the afternoon"
"I knew that"
"I finished your book"
"I knew you would"
"No congratulations?
"You only read one book wait till I make you read a thousand"
"I'm not reading anymore after that"
"I'll read, but only if you do sport tomorrow"
"How do you know I have sport tomorrow?
"We have sport together"
"I knew that too"
"Are you sure you don't need anymore sleep"
"I'm perfectly fine"
"You still haven't answered my question?
"Fine I'll play sport"
"Your mum's really nice"
"Oh you haven't seen her bad side yet"
"Sorry I gotta go mum wants me home for dinner, I'll come over tomorrow though?
"Yeah see you tomorrow, at 5:00"
"Okay bye" I watch him walk down the stairs until I can't see him anymore. I text Elli to come over so we can work on our art homework, I grab my canvas and paint and wait outside for Elli.
"Hey, isn't it easier just to get a photo of the beach? She says just wanting to get it over and done with.
"You can get exercise this way" it takes us ten minutes to get to the beach, it's so beautiful with the sky being pink and orange. There's not that many people so we find a bench just above the grass and sand. I finish my beautiful painting in thirty minutes just as the sky goes back to being blue. Elli decides to copy me I mean who wouldn't want to copy this beautiful painting of the beach. After we finished our beautiful paintings we decide to take a walk along the beach. The sand was getting colder since the sun was going away but other than that I picked up a few pretty shells, I have a huge shell collection sitting on my desk there's still shells I picked up from when I was five. After walking along the relaxing beach we head back home I walk to my house and she walks at the end of the street to hers. I walk open the door and see mum walking down the stairs.
"How was the beach? She says looking at the shells in my hands.
"It was great" I say showing her my shells and painting.
"These are both lovely Snow and I bet Elli copied your painting didn't she"
"Yes she did" I say looking at the time 7:10.
"You must be hungry come and eat" I eat what looks like tofu, pizza was way better than this. I eat a little bit than give the rest to Skye when she wasn't looking. I run upstairs to the bathroom to have a shower. I put the shells in the box with the other shells and the painting on my desk. I run downstairs and into the kitchen and grab the jar of Nutella from the cupboard and run back upstairs. I look at the clock against my wall 8:03. I slide into my bed, slowly eat Nutella while watching Netflix until I fall asleep. I wake up and look at the time 3:30. I don't feel tired I feel bored, I grab my art book and draw from the internet until my hands get sore, my eyes get tired and it's almost morning so I go back to sleep.

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