The Heart Wants What It Wants

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The Heart Wants What It Wants

He walks past me every morning and every afternoon. Always greets and dismisses me, he doesn't notice the way I look at him, but I notice everything about him. From how he always manages to have his hair tousled and still look good, or to how his clothes are always well ironed and without any wrinkles. How he matches his tie with the color of his shoes. How he always fakes interest in the boring meetings and gives fakes smiles to the annoying costumers. How he always looks hot without even trying. How he never looses his cool with anyone and always stays as calm as possible.

But he? He is clueless. He never notices how my stomach flutters whenever he looks at me with those beautiful bluebell eyes. Or how my hairs raise all the time that his fingers brush with mine. Or how his sexy deep voice always sends chills down my spine.

But at the same time I am glad he doesn't notice. I try to remain as professional and composed as possible. Not letting my feelings show. Because I want to keep my job and I am sure he doesn't feel the same way. I really didn't want this to happen but after all, the heart wants what it wants. It's not my fault that I have feelings and that I happen to love my boss. I wish I didn't, but I do.

I have been working for him as his PA for five years now. I always liked him from the start but I didn't want to believe it and just made myself think that it was admiration. But as the years went on my feelings grew and I couldn't help myself. Right now I am tidying up my office to go home, and I receive a call from Tiara, my best friend.

"Hey Ti, what's up?" I ask.

"What are you doing right now?" She asks in a rush.

"I am fine thank you for asking." I say in a sarcastic tone.

"Just answer my question!" She exclaims.

"I am tidying my office to go home, why?" I ask her suspiciously.

"Good, get ready cause you have a date in two hours. I'll be at your house by 7:00." She says and hangs up. That's Tiara for you. She is always trying to set me up on blind dates because she knows about my love for Apollo. I knock on Apollo's office door and wait for him to tell me to come in. I hear a faint 'Come in' and I enter his office.

"Sir, may I be dismissed?" I ask, him not looking at me because he was typing away in his computer.

"You may." He says finally looking up at me, causing me to take a short intake of breath. I had to hold the door handle harder because my knees almost gave up on me.

"Are you okay Miss.Rivers?" He asks me. A hint of worry flashing through his eyes, but as soon as it came, as soon as it was gone.

"Y-yeah. I am fine. Have a goodnight sir, see you on Monday." I say and exit the building as fast as I can. I couldn't be there any longer, one more minute and I would have done something I would regret.

I arrive home and start getting ready for my date. Because even though I don't want to go, I have to move on. For my own good. I take my clothes off and take a hot long relaxing shower. I get out and dry myself. I decided to wear a burgundy skin dress that was flowy on the forearms and had a lace design on the forearms too. I matched it with black heels and gold accessories. I love this dress because it makes my curves stand out. For my hair I let it down and iron it a little. It was seven thirty when Tiara arrived.

"Hey girl, come on. You don't want to make a bad impression by being late." She says after she entered my house.

"Yes but wait a sec, let me look for my phone and purse." I walk to my room looking for my things and remember when I exited the building and left my phone there. I was so focused on getting out of there that I forgot to grab my things. "Shit." I mutter under my breath. I go back to the living room and see Tiara seating in my couch. "Tiara we have a problem."

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