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I promise you that I'll never change but I'll stay the same either
~ Taylor Swift

Mostly people get misunderstood because they say something they didn't wanted to say in the first place ,me on the other hand ,I get misunderstood because I say everything very straightforwardly & what's the use of mind filters ?

My brain will never get that.

Since I've already told you about my unpredictability ,I'll tell you why is it there now .....

Many people consider me to be a hypocrite & that I'm not because a hypocrite is a person who says something & does something else ....

When it comes to me I say exactly what I feel & yes it is very complex ,sometimes you'll read something I wrote & my future self would be contradicting it totally ....

Well idk how does that comes as a part of " hypocrisy " but I call it change of thought process !

So I'm gonna list some misconceptions & how am I different from it -

1) This is my observation that as people get older ,they start believing in some things & they just stick to it & consider anything against that belief system to be a pure definition of WRONG

( & I feel that's the basic reason behind the generation gap thing )

2) Since their belief system gets so strong ,they feel that anyone having a changing mindset is a threat to society ...

( Take this for example - there are some people who change their jobs on regular basis & what's the most common thing we hear about them ?
It is that they're good for nothing & they'll never be able to live happily because they're not fixed somewhere & according to our society you are expected to do what is acceptable )

3) I totally don't understand that belief system ,I mean as humans we're created to explore things & I feel that being stagnant is what goes against our self .....( we were meant to be wanderers )

Sure that doesn't mean that I'm saying that we all should live a hippie life but yes what I think is we should always be able to accept change ,no matter in what age group we're because that's what us help in growing & learning more about life ( Mentally )

4) So the real reason why I get misunderstood most of the times is that I'll say something today & tomorrow my thought process about that particular thing can be entirely different but that's not hypocrisy ,that's just that yesterday I was less educated about it & today I learned something more about it & I changed my thinking about that thing because now I'm more aware than I was ....!
So basically if you see ,I'm not really changing because my basic nature is still being me however I am but yes that doesn't mean that my thinking about something won't ever change !

If I tell you genuinely I can never judge a person ,place or thing at once ,I don't know but it's not in my nature to meet someone & assume that he/she is like " this or that "  or will always be like that !

So my mind never has the same thoughts for everything but yes I try to see something new in the same old things & people

Because trust me what I feel is that ,I can't judge anyone or anything like that because I'm changing every moment ,my mind is changing ,my body is changing ,if I look back I won't recognize the person I was one month back ( sure I'm happy that I was however I was used to be ) but today I'm not the same !

So how can I make assumptions about someone or something being a specific way when everything in life is changing at such drastic phase ?

That's why I'll never change ( I'll always be who I am ) but I'll never be the same either ( I'll never have the same tags for things ,I'll never have the same beliefs or mindset because I'm forever learning something new ) .

Look I told you this book can get very philosophical 😄😄

P.S - Welcome to my world


- Miss Kabiri

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