Chapter 1

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After go around the world in six months, it is time to go home.  Doing what I always dreamed with my best friends. I needed only one thing to be completely happy. Go home as a normal guy after all this, spending time with my family and old friends whenever I wanted. But I could not, my life was organized in a certain way and I had to follow it exactly, or at least that was what everyone hoped I do.

—- Anne will have a heart attack when she sees you. —- I spoke with Louis on the way to my home in Holmes Chapel, we did everything possible to make any advertising medium think I was still in London and Louis kept me informed of the situation. —- Yes I know. Gemma will not stop screaming.  She arrived yesterday from London to visit mom. —- I answered as the cab parked a street before my house. —- Ok, Boo, I park, tell me, it is safe walking?—- I asked looking out the window.  The place was quiet.  It was a normal summer day and the sun shone overhead.  I wore jeans, my white converse, with the same color shirt under a black jacket and a gray beanie that hid the curls.

—-Ok, um. No, do not get down there or you will die. —- Louis told me from the other side of the phone staying quiet for a bit. —- Harry are you in the car or you are already inside? —-  he wonder.

—- Lou, you told me to not go down there. —- I replied confused.

—- Harry, here it says you got there for over two hours now. —- Lou told me suddenly. —- No one knew you were there, until the word spread.  Your neighbors were saying they saw you get off a bus. —- “What the hell was he talking about?”

—-Louis, I’m still in the car. —- I told him not understanding anything yet.

—- Harry, there are even photos.

—- But if I’m in the car!  Sir, continue to the next street, pleas.—- I order the driver. —- Stop, stop. —- I asked when I saw the group of girls waiting for me outside my house.

—- Harry, what are you going to do?—- Louis asked throught on the phone.

—-Tell you later, bye. —- I hung up and take my backpack.  I only had seconds to get off the car and run to my neighbors yard before anyone noticed.  So I opened the door and ran toward the backyard of the house.  Apparently nobody was there, so grateful.  I approached the gate that led to my house and throw the bag on the other side, to begin to climb over to reach my house, enter through the back door for anyone to see me.  I used to do that before, to escape to a partys, but my mom always ended up finding out.  I grip my backpack when I reache the ground and ran to the back door. Everything remained the same. The garden table and chairs with a little water over from a rain.  The back door open and many pots with plants everywhere. I opened the door carefully trying to make any noise and enter. I remove the beanie and keep it in the pocket of my jacket.

—-I still do not understand … —- I hear Gemma said from the living room. —- Mom you said that he had died. —- She sounded alarmed. Whose they were talking about?

—- I … doctors … they said you were dead.  I did not know … —- My mother was crying as I had never heard, but do not answer to Gemma.  Someone else was with them, a person that they had apparently believed dead.

—- I believe you, is ok.—-Said softly  a voice that made me stay without air for a moment. —- I .. I’m just asking you to not say anything to Harry. —- It was a man and he did not want me to know something.  But it was too late, I dropped my backpack, that made a  dry sound when it hits the ground.  I listen as someone got up from his seat and started walking, I forward down the hall and exactly on the time I reach the entrance of the room Gemma came.

—- Harry…—- She was still as beautiful as ever. Her brown hair was longer than before, the smile and the cries that i was weaiting from her did not come.  She just looked shocked and nervous.  I look at her for a moment and smiled pulling her toward me to hug her.

—- Tell me Gems, what is that that I can’t know? —- I asked dropping her of my embrace.

—- I … —- she said immediately quieting and turning to look at those inside the room. I followed her gaze and found mom, her eyes where red from mourn.  She stood there with her hands covering her mouth and behind she had a man or a boy might be, seemed about my age.  He was looking at the floor without a word and seemed nervous.

— Mom… —- I approached her to hold her still looking  the boy. He looked everywhere without looking up.  I had not yet managed to see his face.  Anne stepped forward and arm me with more enthusiasm than Gemma, in the sense that she began to mourn, I take of my eyes from the boy  and returned the hug. I had missed her a lot.

—- Sorry Harry … Today had been definitely a very emotional day. —— She said with a smile separating from me.  I look at her eyes and wipe his face with my thumbs.

—- I wanted to surprise you.

—-You did Harry .. —- She said, stroking my face, I smiled and raised my eyes to meet MY eyes watching me from the face of that boy.


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