42 2 5

???:"WAIT!! "when I heard it I stop."(GUANLIN work part time here to earn some money.. His rich but his mother and father didn't gave him money cuz if his parents gave him the money he will gave TZUYU.. Cuz TZUYU want to buy whatever she wanted..)

JIHYUN:"Oh you the evil one at school.. And Who is that bi**h is it your girlfriend?? "Then I do an innocent face..

GUANLIN looked at me with angry😡face then looked at TZUYU..

TZUYU:"how dare you to call me that!! Oppa looked at her!!
JIHYUN:"BYE"then I run tired to looked at that bi***h..
TZUYU:"Oppa why didn't you slapped her she call me bi***h okay!! "She stomp her fett

Then I go to Nayeon and Yeri seat..

JIHYUN:"Let's go to another place.. "
JIHYUN:"dont you see that?? "I pointed at the counter where GUANLIN and TZUYU was.. I pointed them with my eyes
YERI:"So why? "
JIHYUN:"I JUST DONT WANT TO SEE THEM.. 빨리나와...(ppalli nawa means let go out now fasterr)

The we go out from the starbucks cofee



After that we go home because tomorrow is school right??

MORNING (5:30 a.m.)

My alarm was ringing..then I off the alarm and do my morning routine..

When I go downstairs I already saw nayeon and yeri noons was waiting for me..

JIHYUN:"morning noona!! "
Both of them:"morning"they smiled
JIHYUN:"Why both of you woke up so early today??(cuz before this they always woke up so late..)
NAYEON:"don't know just we like to wake up so early once a while.. "
JIHYUN:"so let's go to breakfast. "
YERI:"You gonna cook?? "
JIHYUN:"No we will go to restaurant that near here.. "
YERI:"so let's go.. "



I Saw lai guanlin and his best friend there... But bae jinyoung is kind not like the others that GUANLIN bestfriend.. The others are evil too same like the evil one..

GUANLIN:"Looked at this three bitch... "He looked at us..
JIHYUN:"what do you want??! "
GUANLIN:"OH SUCH A BRAVE GIRL"then he started to touch my hair.. and walked closely to me
JIHYUN:"Don't ever walked closely to me and touch my hair! I know taekwondo okay.. Now mine taekwondo belt is black.. So don't ever walked closely to me ..
WOOSEOK:"Black belt huh?? " he smirked then slapped me strongly..

Nayeon and yeri left me.. I was very sad at first.. If something happened to me I will just let them go..

JIHYUN:"OH.. okay three of you play with me right?? "I kicked both of them stomach but they didn't feel anything..

Jeno punch my face the I fell on the floor(I know boys cannot punch girl right but this story title was the evil one so it must be evil am I right?) My eyes full of teary.. 😭Then I fainted.. I feel someone help me but I don't know who I can't see..

Are you enjoying it?? Plzz vote for my first fan fiction I will update the chapter 3 maybe tomorrow..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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