Chapter 32

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And I don't like it.

"I'm going to have a word with Emerald," Toby paces back and forth. Every once in a while he stops and shoots a glare at me and then to Harry. Harry was caught when Toby roared his name making me shrink back. I have never seen him this upset or angry. "She didn't even consider consulting me! How the hell can she just—" Toby fumed again. "That's it; I am finding you another psychiatrist. We don't need this shit," He looked at Harry when he said this.

I felt Harry still but he didn't consider taking any action. My head was throbbing much worse now because of the alcohol and the sudden stress of Liberty, Harry, my best friend, and my brothers being here."

"Toby," Liberty got up and rested her hand on my brothers arm, "you need to calm down."

"Calm down?" My brother questioned darkly and Liberty's face paled. Neal quickly got up to move his wife out the way, "Calm yourself Toby," Neal threatened.

I closed my eyes as I heard Toby scream. "CALM MYSELF!? Are you fucking insane!? Harry Styles," He pointed a finger accusingly, "is at our house probably fucking my sister," and then he glared at me, "using her for his ways is now going to help Alicia with her broken self?"

I flinched.

Broken self?

Did I really come off as that?

"You have no right to speak to her that way."

I sharply inhaled and looked at Harry who was glaring at my brother. His whole stance changed, his fists clenched and as he got up, his length unraveling, anger was surrounding his body. "I didn't fucking ask Emerald to be in this. Hell last time I checked, you and Emerald had an agreement that Alicia will follow out all instructions."

Neal and Toby stilled as Harry threw the words across their faces. In my mind, I knew Harry was right because Emerald had spoken those words to me as well.

"Your brother and I had an agreement that you will follow my instructions so you can be well."

"He's right," I mutter into the silent room. Toby and Neal turn to glare at me, "Shut up Alicia," Toby barks, "not now."

"Toby I accepted the proposal," Neal finally said, admitting. "You need to calm down. Flynn is here and I do not need you waking up my child."

"You?!" Toby turned to Neal, questioning incredulously. "WHY?!"

"I needed to make sure our Alicia was the same! Haven't you seen her? She crippled, broken, she's afraid of us," Neal's voice cracked and then his tone turned to ice, "that fucking prick Nick killed her. I needed to accept anything to fix her up. She's afraid."

"I am not afraid!" I shout. It was probably because of the alcohol running coursing through me or else I would've broken into tears. I stand up and cross my arms, "and don't speak about me as if I'm not present in the room. Newsflash, I fucking am and I have ears and I can hear."

"Well guess what little sis," Toby hissed, "I don't give a damn."

His eyes were blazing with anger and a cry escaped my lips. Those eyes quickly morphed into Nicks and I felt fear wash over me. I wasn't well aware what was happening but Nick made his way into my head and like a snake his cobra grip was all over my body.


Please don't hurt me!

Just stop the pain.

I hear my name being called again and a hand is wrapped around my forearm. "Alicia," my name is repeated from a voice I know all too well. I look up at his green eyes and then back to my brothers. My eyes then rank on Ka-o and then to Liberty. My eyes slice back to Harry again and his eyes shine with anger.

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