Chapter 1 - Bluebird

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I woke up, stretching as if I was a cat. To be honest, I was a weird boy. Hair as white as snow and eyes the colour of turquoise crystals. I got out of my Cot, letting the pale purple blanket hit the floor. I walked over to my tall mirror that hung at about 6 feet up on my wall. It was a four foot tall mirror with broken glass. I looked at it and had to take a step back. I was growing to be nearly seven feet tall. I am six foot, seven inches right now.

The boy in the mirror stared back at me. My hair was wavy and no matter what I did a strand of snow white hair hung down on my face. My pajamas were getting small, my pajama shorts would have been against the school dress code. Much past arm length. Most of my height was in my legs though. I am extremely thin and pale, my skin is just a bit darker and more of a peachy compared to my hair.

I didn't usually need to brush my hair but this was one of these rare occasions. My defined jawline and round freckled face really was just my only features I appreciated. That and my height. I was really good at running too. It was helpful most of the times. I could run away from the names people called me.

"Aaron! Are you up yet?"

That was my mom. I changed into my black hoodie and torn jeans and ran down the stairs, tripping in the process. I didn't put on socks yet, which was the main reason I usually ended up late.

I grabbed the box of cereal that was placed on the large oakwood table in the dining room. I got up, grabbed the milk from the fridge, only to find there was just a few drops left. This must have been Donovan's doing.

Donovan is my older brother. Unlike me, he is perfectly normal. He has black hair and blue eyes, he is tall with skin that was somewhat not pale?

Donovan hummed as he stomped down the stairs, unaware of the hell I was going to give him for drinking all the milk. I'll have to drink dry cereal! This is unacceptable.

The eighteen year old walked over to me, grabbing the carton of milk I held in my hand. He shook it and sighed, putting it back into the fridge then closed the door. I coughed, sounding irritated. My brother didn't seem to get it.

I ended up having toast, too afraid to scold my brother. Of course, I took the carton out of the fridge and threw it away, seeing as I'm not an animal.

My mom sat at the head of the dining room table, reading a book as she sipped on her strong smelling coffee. Her glasses were sliding down her short nose and her dark hair was curled around her neck. Donovan got his hair colour from my mom. Or he dyed it. To be fair, I wasn't sure what his original hair colour was since he started dying it.

I crunched on my dry, butterless toast. Disgusting.

I ran up the stairs, put on socks and ran back down the carpeted stairs again. I bid my mother farewell and I muttered a few curse words at Donovan. He is literally an idiot.

Another day at school. Let's see what the other grade tens have to say about my white hair. This was the third school I've went to over the time I've been at school. Two more years left if I keep the grades up.

And if I don't die before graduating...

I trudged along the path, mucky from the past heavy rainfall. I trudged along the path and walked through the woods. Then I heard the sound. The sound of fairy dust hitting the ground, so faintly it was super surprising I could actually hear it.

Then it happened again. And again. It was following me. I started to sprint, strangely wanting to get to school faster. Really, I just wanted to escape the sound. It started to ring in my ears.

The world started to spin as a blue jay looked down at me from a high up branch. It chirped and the sound of fairy dust got ten times louder than before.

I screamed. The blue swirls devoured my vision and I could feel myself collapse onto the ground. Only there was no ground to collapse on. I was falling with no floor to land on.


When I woke up I found myself laying in a pile of blue leaves. The sky was bright purple and the grass was turquoise like my eyes. This whole world was strange. It was like the places out of story books or on alien planets, not that I know what alien planets looked like.

"Hello there creature." A high pitched voice called over. My head spun around, trying to search for the source of the voice. All I saw were the blue wings of a blue jay like the one I saw before I disappeared.

"Where and who are you?" I called over. My voice echoed from where I was standing.

"I am everywhere and nowhere. I am no one and everyone."

"Mhm, sure." I stood up, dusting the pale purple dirt off of my hoodie.

"Fine! Fine! I am Blu the pixie."

"What's a pixie?"

"A haircut."

"You're a haircut?"

"No I'm a magical being who exists mostly in the minds of authors, directors, and children." Blu said with a sigh. This caused me to laugh.

"Magic isn't real! Who are you really!?" I chuckled.

"Aaron," it said, causing me to become confused as to how the thing knew my name. "I am a bluebird pixie and you literally JUST looked at me." I heard a sound like a loud bone cracking snap, before the sound of bare feet hitting the ground echoed off of the blue leafed trees.

Before me stood a man with royal blue hair and a blue leather tunic, decorated with many small specks of white. His pants were made of a brown material that stopped right below his knees, most likely because the lack of fabric he could use.

On his back were large bluejay wings with ruffled feathers.

"Child," Blue spoke with a grin and his voice was deeper now that he grew in size. "Magic is so real."

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