Chapter 2 - Wolf

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Blake's PoV

I opened my large yellow eyes, vision blurred from the amount of sleep I had had that day. I brushed my longish obsidian black hair out of my eyes. I flicked away the sleep that had built up as I spent the past two days sleeping due to me being Ill. I feel a lot better now, though.

I fell out of bed, face hitting the carpeted floor as the dark coloured wall absorbed the light that had shone in through the window. Last night, although I was not awake to see it, I knew the plastic stars that stuck to the ceiling were glowing. Glow in the dark stars.

I stretched, purring. My dark hair, tinted purple in the light, fell back into my face and over my yellow eyes. My name is Blake Hart, if your wondering. I'm fifteen and three quarters, the oldest in my class. I was also the tallest, unlike my pink haired friend, Lizzy.

She was of average height, but everyone else was super tall compared to her. She and I have been best friends since third grade, when I stole her chips (crisps, if you're British, like Blake)

I yawned, getting out of bed and going straight downstairs. I decided I was going to wear a tank, a blue hoodie and not ripped jeans, but jeans with patches that had black stars stitched or glued onto them.

Instead of getting breakfast, I bid my mother and father farewell, then put on my destroyed black sneakers. I sighed, grabbing my backpack and trudging out of the door.

On my way, I stumbled upon a new path. I smiled, deciding to see what trouble I could get into here. This new place was to be my hideout, and I would defend it from countless trespassers!

I hopped into a sturdy looking tree, only increasing my surprise when the branch I was on snapped. I landed on the ground with a thud, then I could feel and hear footsteps on the ground.

The smell of wet dog hung in the air like mustard gas, causing me to choke. Pitch black darkness engulfed my vision as the smell turned into something worse. The last thing I saw were yellow eyes staring back into my soul.

I looked around my new surroundings, no idea where I was. Blue leaves, turquoise grass, purple skies. A bunch of cold coloured landscapes. Branches hung over my face and I found I was in a tree. Surprised, I accidentally tumbled off.

"I need to work on the landing..." I sighed to myself, clearly unimpressed that I was losing my climbing ability.

"That, you do, Blake." A voice hummed distantly. I found a bite mark on my wrist.

"Who are you?"

"I am Je Rouge, the red eyed wolf spirit."

"But you have yellow eyes?"

"That doesn't matter."

"But you said-" I was interrupted by something hitting me in the ear.

"Silence you twat! You were brought here for a reason, now let me think!" Je Rouge snarled at me, stepping out from the darkness.

The black furred wolf circled me, and suddenly the yellow eyes reminded me of my own.

"I don't like you." I said, noticing my own accent. It was weird, now that I think about it.

"I return the feeling, now shut your trap." The wolf growled, lowering it's head to stare back, still growling.

I nodded my head, knowing I shouldn't get any more on the wolf's bad side than I already was. To stop myself from talking I began to hum a song. A lullaby, really.

The wolf's ears and tail drooped, showing it was getting tired, "Stop that." It snarled again.

I silenced. The world felt louder than it was supposed to be. The wolf paced.

"Change your form but not who you are"

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