PART 2: "Incident"

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                    [ ON THE ROAD ]

Jin's P.O.V

I feel weird feeling that never been happen before in me after I leave the bus but I choose to ignore it and just walk a cross a street to find a coffee shop but I saw a small boy grab his ball on the road that he almost got hit by a car because I help him from the car but the owner of the car come out and suddenly shout not even looking at me I look down felt that tears is gather in my eye because no one ever shout to me like that but as I look up the shouting from the owner of the car stop and his eyes turn soft when he saw my face , ehhh wait I think he's the guy from the bus yesterday.

Namjoon's P.O.V

After the thing in the bus happen I always dream about him like what the DUCK I really fall in love with a stranger but that stranger make me feel different , as I open my eye to see the time on my phone written 8:30 OHH SHINEE * just some crazy word because I didn't wanna put curse word * I was drag my lazy butt out of the bed quickly, after I finish shower I was think why would I be worried about being late when I'm the boss but my other side said NO you should worried about being late because you need to make a god model for your worker * Damn he's the best leader ever*, I went to my car driving to work but suddenly a kid was infront of my car to get his ball I almost ducking hit him 'GEEZ WHY THIS THING HAPPEN GOD I'M LATE' I said in my thought and I walk out t the car when I see a men come and help the kid I didn't think twice I just shout like a pyscho with anger building in my eye plus I didn't see that man face but as he look up I gasped my eye turn soft now I felt guilty for shouting at the one who I fall in love in the bus stop he's eye now is about to cry I just wanna go and hug him tightly but I couldn't, I make my way to him to help him because he's still on the road, I ask him should I give a ride * ride a car lmao stop being pervert* he hesitant I guess he don't know but he just agreed without look at me that make me feel sad for shouting at him. I guess I should not do that hmmm after a thousand year of thinking we went to my car.

Third Person's P.O.V

The ride was awkward Namjoon didn't speak either Jin, so Namjoon decide to break the silence by saying sorry he didn't even think that Jin would forgive him but Jin just say it's fine and Namjoon decide to make up the conversation by starting to ask "What your name,I'm curios about it ?" Namjoon ask 'why would he be curios about my name' Jin thought "Umm mister I was asking you a question" said Namjoon "Ohh u-uh m-my name is Kim SeokJin you can call me Jin hi" " My name is Kim Namjoon but I prefer to call Namjoon or RM hehe " Namjoon say with a smile that show his dimple, 'I never notice his dimple before' Jin thought "Umm so can we be friend I wanna know more about you Jin " Namjoon ask "Ahh but we just met yesterday and earlier don't you think it fast?" Jin ask back, Namjoon clearly show his sad eye after hearing those word from the one he fall in love with but his eye suddenly shine bright back after hear another word from Jin "Aishhh I'm sorry but I accept your friend request hehe" said Jin " are you straight or gay?" Namjoon suddenly ask.



         "Being honest make you have less friend but that isn't matter"

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