Chapter 1: Isaac's POV

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                                                Chapter 1: (Isaac's POV)

"Welcome to the Literal Heart of Jesus", Patrick beamed as everyone began to shuffle in. I rolled my eyes and glanced at Hazel, who sighed at the mere voice of our annoyingly optimistic Support Group leader. She looked at me and I quickly adverted my eyes. I mentally kick myself. Note to self: Don't let the pretty girl see you staring. 

"Isaac?" A voice interrupted my thoughts. I look at Patrick. He seems to be staring at me expectantly.  

"Oh, right. I'm Isaac. I'm 17. After this upcoming surgery on my eye, it looks like I'll be blind which sort of sucks, but I know a lot of others have it worse off. It helps to have friends like Augustus though." I look toward the empty seat to my left. "I invited him along but he couldn't make it. Had to go for a check-up or something, I think."  

Hazel smiles at me. God, she is so beautiful. 

"Thank you, Isaac. It is always lovely to hear from you. Good luck for your surgery, and tell your friend... Gus, was it? That he is always welcome to come along." Patrick's eyes dart around the room, full of hope and pride. "Did I ever tell you all about my close shave with cancer?" He muses to no one in particular. A simultaneous groan erupts from the mouths of all eight of us. Patrick continues despite it.

When Support Group finally came to an end, I approached Hazel near the stairs. "Living Our Best Life Today", I repeat the mantra Patrick had spoken just moments before. "What does that even mean?" 

"I'm pretty sure that it's one of those quotes that are supposed to bring up the great question of 'life' or something." She answers and smiles. I laugh and stare into her beautiful green eyes. They look old and wise, as if nothing they saw could impress them. 

"So, I was just wondering if you'd like to-" I start. 

"Mom! Hey." Hazel suddenly yells toward a black Volvo. "I just need to say goodbye to a friend!" She turns toward me. "See you next week?" She asks. 

I force a smile and nod. Hazel says goodbye and walks slowly toward the car, wheeling her green oxygen tank behind her. She has to stop every once in a while to catch her breath. I wanted more than anything to help her to her car, to hold her tank even though it couldn't weigh more than a few pounds, I wanted her to want me.  

But, of course, she walked straight to her car and didn't look back. 

"I was wondering if you'd like to go to dinner some time..." I whisper after her.

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