Summer school

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(N/A: hi i Hope you decide to read out this whole thing I know it's not the best but I know that it will get better 💜)

My teachers face starts turning red. Due to me ignoring his scolding. He picks me up by my wrist ,painfully dragging me down the hall.I struggle but my lazy body gives up.My head goes blank as we go into the principals office. Coming back into reality Fear pounces on my heart, the principal gives me a look. I know that look way to well. My father always gives me that look. A look of disappointment.


The teacher races out of the office with angry stomps. My eyes gloss with painful worries.

Principal: y/n..

I stand frozen not moving a inch not even to breathe,

Principal: this is the fifth time this month and it's close to the end of this year what's going on?..

Y/n: I'm so sorry

Principal: you know y/n you had already to many chances as much as I hate to say it I'm going to call your father. As much as I admire your family, this behavior isn't allowed.

Y/n: I understand...

I drop my head as he picks up a phone and dials a number.

Principal: sit down.

I sit on a chair in front of his desk looking down at my shaky hands. I hear him finish the dial following a loud ring.
It takes a while but someone finally picks up and when I realize who picked up the phone my whole body got a frozen chill.

Principal: hello is this y/n mom?

Mom: ah yes, did something happen?..

Principal: well actually can we speak in person are you able to come?..

Mom: no I'm busy but I may be able to send my husband

My heart slows down from the overwhelming thumping. My dad is the cool one of the family. My mom tends to over react. Which scares me.. a lot..

Principal: alright thanks I'll see him when he comes

He hangs up and looks at some papers on his desk as we wait for time to pass by.


A few minutes finally pass and we hear a knock on the door.

My heart stopped when the people who walked in, both my mom and dad, the most awful couple when together in public and worse at home.
I slant down in my seat ready for the embarrassment. My mom and dad sit on either side of me, I look down at my hands and feet and curve them inwards.

Principal: I am sorry to bother you guys but this is serious we need to discuss y/n behavior

Mom: what she do this time.

Y/n: "what the hell i never do anything wrong at school"

Principal: *sighs* she had her phone out in class two times already

Y/n: "two times you mean five times but thank you for saving my ass"

*slightly smiles at principal*

Principal: it's sad to say this Especially since it's the end of the year in 3 days.... but I have to suspend her..

Dad: that's acceptable with me

Principal: there's more.. due to her actions and non-participation she will have to take summer school for a week as punishment

Mom: we can't have this! We're leaving for Paris TOMORROW!!

Principal: I know I heard, I am so sorry, you have to do this for her or the government will be involved

Dad: we understand, it's okay

Mom: bu-

Dad: *tightens jaw* we understand!.

Principal: well I think it's time for us to end this here. Thank you very much for coming in on short notice.

They shake hands and my parents stand up and make they're way out the door. I stay behind for a second catching my breath.

Principal: good luck kid

Y/n: thanks

I see my parents walking in the hallway silently. Letting the atmosphere speak for them.


We reach the house. No one spoke the whole way home, since I am not in any conversation. I decide to just go up to my room.

I pass by my parents they are still not speaking. I run up the staircase into my room and face plant into the bed lightly.

Y/n: ahhh, just nap nothing bad is happening so why do I feel so guilty

I turn onto my back sliding up the bed getting comfortable setting a light fuzzy blanket on my body. My surroundings blackening around me each minute.


The door bell rings, the day and night pasted yesterday and now it's morning

Y/n: *checks time on phone* 11:am!!!

The door bell rings again. I race down stairs to answer the door. The person behind the door when I opened it shocked me.

[My Babysitter is an idol]// JJK FFWhere stories live. Discover now