Chapter 4

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Obi's PoV

"K-ki-kitten!" I heard (Y/N) Horsley calling my name. I turned around an my eyes widened in shock. Her face was starting to lose colour and she had a small dagger sticking out of the back of her shoulder. "I-is p-poi-poisoned don't tou-ch the bl-". Before she could finish her sentence she fell. "(Y/N)!" I yelled along with everyone else. Miss got there before me and carefully examined the damage. She removed the dagger using a cloth so the poison wouldn't touch her. She then went to bandage her up and told us that we needed to move quick as the poison was spreading.
"Obi you were assassins together correct? Do you know how well (Y/N)'s body deals with poison?" Zen asked. He actually seems worried, maybe it's because she helped miss.
"All I know is that she has an extremely high tolerance for it but she isn't immune, unlike me. She was born this way and our old Boss wanted to keep it that way in case she tried to run, so he didn't allow her to build up an immunity to it."

"Obi how long do we have?" This time Miss asked.

"Considering she was fighting with the poison in her system I'd say we have about 6 hours whereas it would usually be about a day/day and a 1/2."

"It will take too long to get her back to the castle" Raj said.

"well our village in the mountains is about 30 minutes away we could go there." The leader of the lions said ( I honestly cant remember his name), and with that we were off. Please (Y/N) be alright.

(Y/N)'s PoV

I felt as if I was in a daze of some sort, unable to move whilst slowly regaining consciousness, as well as retrieving my senses. I heard muffled voices of people talking in the background, but couldn't distinguish who they were and what hey were saying. Not long after that, I had finally retrieved all of my senses and that's when I felt the aching pain all over my body. I opened my eyes and look around, not recognising my surroundings I assumed the worst. if Boss found me then that means he could've found kitten as well. I got up to go to the window but immediately fell. but before the floor could get to know my face a little better, I found a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around my waist.

"(Y/N)!!! What do you think you are doing?! You could've injured yourself even more!" Kitten practically yelled in my ear. Wait. Kitten. That means Boss didn't find me! I sighed in relief in which kitten looked confused at.

"I woke up and didn't know where I was, and knowing Boss is still after us I assumed the worst." I plainly stated to which he nodded at. "Kitten where am I and how did I get here?"

"well wats the last thing you remember?" he asked

"Umm.....the poisoned dagger in my shoulder." I widened my eyes remembering this and checked my wound to see it bandaged, causing me to widen my eyes even more.

"After that Zen asked how well your body coped with poison and I told them. Then Miss asked ow long we had which was 6 hours at the time, due to you fighting with the poison in your system. both castles were too far way so the Chief of the Lions said we could bring you to their village as it only took 30 minutes to get here. he also said he would supply herbs and stuff as you have helped them in the past... Oh! And it turns out he is Shirayuki's Dad!" He finished with a smile.

"Wow that's a lot to take in" I mumbled

"How long until I can leave?" I asked

And with that being asked he smirked at me, the same smirk as that night. "Miss said you can leave in 4 days when we leave, that way she can keep and eye on you and monitor your recovery." I sighed in relief, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. But why was he smirking? I thought as I tried to get up again. TRIED. only to stumble and kitten caught me again. "Oh and your on bed rest for 2 days, and I'm to take care of you during those days!" he placed me on the bed so me back was leaning against the headboard. its been a while since I've been in a bed. I looked up to see kitten still smirking. Wait! HE'S taking care of me! shit! Now he's gonna question me!

"Oh...Umm...Kitten you really don't have to, I will be fine by myself!"

"Oh no! I couldn't dream of doing that angel! you know Boss could find you since he chased you all the way to the docks!" he said with sarcasm lacing his voice.

"I doubt he would find me here" I replied plainly, hoping he would leave.



"why were you in Tanburun?"

"I told you why"

"No you didn't"

"Yes I did"



"I know when your lying (Y/N)"

"That hurts me! Why would you accuse me of doing such a thing towards you kitten?" i said holding my chest in fake hurt.

"Oh so your playing it that way then?" he said with his smirk forming again.

"what way?" I said with the most innocent face i could manage.

"You know I have many ways I could get you to talk my little midnight angle" He said with his smirk growing more. He then started moving his way towards me slowly, his smirk changing to the one from that night again. I gulped, not daring to think of what he would do. instead, with each step he took, I edged closer to the side of the bed. Then I got an idea. I shifted my gaze from him to the door, widening my eyes as if I was shocked by something.

As I had planned he turned to look at the door, as soon as he did I ran, the best I could with my injuries, to the window. I was almost there when he blocked the way. This pain is too much, I'm not able to run at my full speed. I turned to sprint to the door but kitten caught my arm and put me back on the bed, more like threw, and held me in place so I couldn't run.

"Aww angel that wasn't very nice" he said faking a pout.

"let me go" I demanded in response



"Cause you'll run even though you have to rest"

"Fine I'll rest, Goodnight!"

"You know that's not what I mean"

"Obi let me go"


"I wont run"



"You have to answer my questions" he replied smirking again, despite me using his name...Oh No!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wow finally done

sorry it took so long

Word count - 1164

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2020 ⏰

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