Chapter Four: My Father

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Futarisora woke up to the manager of the hotel tapping his shoulder. He woke up with a jolt but the manager quickly put one finger over his mouth signaling for Futarisora to be quiet. He soon saw why when he noticed Aki asleep right next to him, in the same bed. Futarisora's cheeks instantly became red. The manager motioned for him to come outside of the bedroom and he did. Once they were outside the managers face suddenly became stern. "What's wrong Manager Aomizu?" Futarisora asked. "You father has arrived and will be staying at a different hotel from this one. But, I don't think he'd like to know that you're sleeping with a boy," Manager Aomizu (青水) replied sternly.

"I would break it off cleanly and easily if you don't want your father finding out. I know that you're... Homosexual but are you sure that it would be safe for him to meet your father?" He asked. Futarisora's face could've literally been the sun right now it was burning up so much. "H-he's not- we're not dating or anything, h-he's j-just a friend," Futarisora stuttered out in reply, trying not to wake anyone in the house. "Would a friend really sleep with you?" Manager Aomizu asked. Futarisora blushed a colour that shouldnt be possible for the human body to produce.

"Whatever nevermind, your father wants to see you," Manager Aomizu sighed. Futarisora left a quick note for Aki before driving with Manager Aomizu to another one of his fathers hotels that he owned. "Hey father," Futarisora awkwardly greeted. "Hello son, I presume your mother informed you of why I'm here?" Mr Futarisora asked. "No," Futarisora replied, confused. "It is assumed that your mother will die in a weeks time," Mr Futarisora informed. Futarisora felt like someone had stabbed him as tears started to escape his eyes. "N-no! You said she had a year!" Futarisora exclaimed. "You're making a scene," his father hissed. "And don't think I don't know about your boyfriend either. You are going to break it up cleanly and easily."

"Firstly, he's not my boyfriend. Secondly, he cares about me more than you ever did! Leave me alone!" Futarisora yelled whilst running out of the building. He was stopped by two security guards. "You are the only heir to this enterprise young man! I suggest you start acting like it!" Mr Futarisora yelled.


Aki woke up in Futarisora's bed. Wait... did he... did they...? No way. Aki wasn't... ya know... gay... was he? No way, his mother would never allow it. Aki was feeling very conflicted until he noticed a note on Futarisora's bedside table.

Dear Aki,

I'm sorry I had to leave. I don't know when I'll be back but feel free to make yourself at home in the meantime. Some... stuff came up and I hope you'll forgive me later on. For now just make yourself comfortable. Sorry if I kicked you in my sleep!

From Futarisora.

So... he... they...? Aki blushed. Wait! This meant nothing! They were friends! Friends did that all the time... right? Aki still had conflicted emotions and decided to do some schoolwork until his sisters woke up. As he did, he remembered what happened last night...


"We only have two bedrooms in this house..." Futarisora chuckled nervously. The twins were already asleep in the master bedroom and there was only Futarisora's room left. "Well, I can sleep on the cough then if you want?" Aki asked, walking over to the luxurious sofa. "N-no! You're a guest!" Futarisora insisted. "Well, I'm not going to let you sleep on the couch either," Aki stubbornly stated. "We may have to share the bed th-then," Futarisora chuckled nervously, looking away. Aki felt butterflies in his stomach. Why was he nervous about sharing a bed with somebody? "Sure," Aki shrugged and walked into Futarisora's room. Futarisora grabbed his nightclothes and somewhat ran down the hall into the bathroom to get changed.

He seemed nervous... what was he so nervous about? Aki shrugged and took off his clothes since he slept in his underwear and the heat was nice inside Futarisora's place. While waiting for Futarisora, Aki drifted off to sleep...


Aki blushed. Was he really that unable to thing straight when he was tired? He'd have to apologize to Futarisora later. For now, he'd  make breakfast for himself and the twins since Futarisora had probably had breakfast before he left. Aki made his way to the kitchen and looked into the huge fridge. "Good morning Mr Futarisora! It is currently 9:25am," the fridge stated once opened. Aki was very surprised for a second before getting out ingredients for omelettes. His mother had probably realized that all three of her children were missing by now. The thought made shivers go down Aki's spine.

She'd probably kill him as soon as he stepped one foot inside the house. Aki honestly didn't want to return home, but he couldn't stay here either. He looked outside into the beautiful view of Tokyo. It was snowing today but not violently like yesterday. As if a storm had just passed and now was the gentle reward for surviving it. It almost gave Aki hope. Almost. He just hoped that he could turn eighteen sooner so he could move out. He'd been saving up pocket money since he was ten and his father helped out to do so. Every month or so he was given an allowance from his father, sort of like a way of compensating for leaving him and the twins with their mother and running away.

The money was untraceable though so Aki would never know where he was or why he'd be so selfish as to leave his three children with their abusive mother. Aki averted his gaze from the window and continued to cook. The result was three beautiful plates of omelette. His sisters weren't awake yet so he decided to do some work on English. After all, he hadn't even composed a poem on Futarisora yet, let alone the actual assignment. He thought about Futarisora's physical features. He had blue eyes, brown hair, a skinny form and was around shorter than average.

What about Futarisora internally? He was hurting and Aki still didn't understand why. Now that he knew him a bit better, Aki thought that it might have something to do with the fact that Futarisora lived alone and it was probably a pretty good guess since it can be daunting always being alone... and even at school... Aki facepalmed. Why did he do all those horrible things to him? Futarisora's life must've been miserable. He sighed and went back to work on his poem to Futarisora. He had just the right idea...


Futarisora saw his phone buzz on the table in front of him. He couldn't retrieve it though, otherwise his father would surely slap him and that would harm Aki as well. Aki just needed to believe that nothing was going on. Futarisora's father retrieved Futarisora's phone and read the text. "Is this 'Aki' your boyfriend?" He asked whilst reading he text. "I told you that he is not my boyfriend. Just leave him alone!" Futarisora yelled. "Calm down, some very special guests are coming to lunch and you need to behave," Mr Futarisora growled and sent a text to Aki. "What'd you say to him!" Futarisora yelled.

"I told him to leave you alone. I can't have the only heir to this company being homosexual," Mr Futarisora snapped. Suddenly, Futarisora's phone started to ring which his father answered. "Hey, are you ok?" Asked Aki's voice. "Leave my son alone. This is your final warning. My son isn't allowed to be homosexual and so I don't want him having you as a romantic interest for him," Mr Futarisora scowled. "H-hold up, there's nothin going on in between us. We're only friends," Aki explained. "Would two boys that are just 'friends' be sleeping together?" His father asked.

"It's none of your business what your son and I do. I would like to speak to Futarisora please," Aki stated. To Futarisora's surprise, his father handed him the phone. "Aki! Are you alright?!" Futarisora frantically asked. "Chill, I'm fine. I should be asking you that though," Aki chuckled. "I'm fine, I'm just spending some time with my father," Futarisora lied. "Oh ok, mind if we stay here until you get back?" Aki asked. "Not at all, just make sure you don't leave things in a mess when I get back," Futarisora laughed. "Alright, seeya then," Aki chuckled before hanging up.

Mr Futarisora then grabbed his sons phone. "Aki seems to think you're just his friend. Don't know if you do though," Mr Futarisora scowled. Futarisora blushed. "What are you trying to suggest?" He questioned. "You like Aki, don't you?" Mr Futarisora asked, more a statement than a question.

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