my old school all in one

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one day i was sitting in my chair and i was bored so i decied to vist my old school again keep in mind this was my MIDDLE school so yeah i called the school and they said sure so i drived their and to my supre their was peole screaming in pain and someone had a fricken AK 47 i screamed for help and he said....

wIlL JuSt DoNt TeLl aNyOnE AbOuT ThIs ScHoOl he said in a distored voice why? BeCuSe I aM MinD CoRtRAlLeD he said but... he interuped me by saying I CaN CoRrTrAl It A lItLe So I CaN TaLk To YoU he said in a another distored voice oh i said it all make sence now so you were mind cortralled and they are making you? YeP...

RUn he tried to yell


but he his voice broke why? I asked bEcAuSe He Is CoMmInG who? i asked ThE PeRsOn WhO DiD ThIs JuSt PrEtEnD YoU ArE DeAd he said in a really distorted voice


ok I said so I pretend I was dead


all of the sudden i saw a bullet woen


Ok So He TrIeD To KiLl Me So I HaD To ShOt HiM...

what!? i asked YeP AnD i NeEeD To TeLl YoU SoMeThInG what i asked? WeLl YoUr FrIeNd RaElyNn DiD NoT MoVe then what!? I Am RaELyNn what!? i said ItS TrUe LeTs DeSTiCk ThIs So WhAt WE ArE GoInG IS SnEaCK OuT oF ThE ScHoOl... he said in a dicorsed voice wow i said so we can leave and go to my and raelynn tried to do it together but raelynn got shot RAELYNNNNNN!!!!!!!!! i yelled so i ran back home and called the police and they came and asked what was wrong and i said there is this school and theirs murder in it i don't know what school it is end

my old school all in oneWhere stories live. Discover now