The Big Sleep

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"I'm hungry," Daisy complained early the next morning as the campers entered into the cafeteria for breakfast.

"I don't care," Matthew replied.

"No one asked for your input, you irrelevant Scottish idiot," she snapped, taking a seat.

The most hated chef was nowhere to be seen, until he and Chris came in and Chris announced: "good morning campers! Hope you slept well."

"Those beds are so itchy and uncomfortable!" Melodie whined. "What are they made of?"

"Hey, Chris, where's the food?" Gary called out from the furthest seat from the door, where he was sat with Vivienne and Lucy.

"Oh don't worry, you can eat... Right after you complete the twenty-kilometre run around the lake."


Zara: Oh My God. Are you serious? I hate running!


Assuming that the first team back won the challenge, both teams rushed off north east towards the lake that they'd had to jump into yesterday. Leading the group was Paul, with Oliver hot on his heels. About fifteen meters behind them were Jimmy, Elodie, Duncan, Louie and Florence; then slightly further were Melodie, Braelyn, Jacob, James, and Alex, with Daisy struggling to keep up. The rest were barely jogging, and thus were miles behind. Vivienne and Gary were encouraging Lucy to not give up, when Chris drove past on his bright red motorised quadbike. "Hurry up people! If you're not back by dinner, you don't eat!" he called through his megaphone.

"Oh please," Lucy rolled her eyes. "We can walk that easily, before dinner."

"What about the challenge?" Vivienne questioned.

"The worst is I'm voted off, and all I have to say about that is: good!"

"You want to be voted off?" Gary exclaimed, shocked that his friend was talking about losing her chance at a million dollars.

"I want to get out of this stupid hell hole!" she cried. "The food is reason enough on its own." As much as the others hated to say so, that point really was non-negotiable.


Matthew: I overheard Lucy saying that she would like to lose the million just to have decent food. I can't disagree that the food is gross, but do you know how much a million dollars is? Only about seven hundred THOUSAND pounds! Seven-hundred and fifty-three thousand, nine-hundred and ten pounds, to be exact. You're crazy if you're willing to sacrifice that.


It was way past noon when the last few competitors started drifting in to the cafeteria, some falling to their knees with exhaustion. "So... Tired..." Sarah panted between breaths, collapsing across a few seats for a rest.

"Oh, come on now," Paul said, trying to wind her up. "It wasn't that bad."

"Yes it was!" she insisted.

"Maybe you should just work out more?" he teased.

"Shut up!" She snatched a knife off of the table and threw it at him, but he dodged it last second.

"Shut up!" he mimicked, exaggerating greatly her high-pitched whiny voice.

"Real mature!"

"Real mature!"

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