Going Beyond

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Namjoon/Jin: we will miss you but if you feel lonely or can visit please do.

Y/N: alright

Suga and J-hope hugs you a goodbye.

Y/N: thanks for being amazing siblings

S/Jh/Jm/V/Jk: no problem, we will miss you very much y/n.

You went to your room..

You pulled down your posters and took all of your CDs. You also took out your clothes and put them on your bed and decided which ones to take to the dorm.

You only needed clothes for at least a year since you can wash and in high school, you have to wear uniforms.

Jin: Y/N! Train leaves at 12:30 its already 9:30.

Y/N: Gwangju.. here i come..

Namjoon: ok so we'll drive you to the train station and you'll ride the train to Gwangju then bus to Gwangju's Dorms.

Y/N: and walk to Gwangju Global High.?

Jin: pretty much.

Jhope: it isnt far.. i heard its only 0.1 miles away from the school.

Jin and Namjoon drives you the train station.

Jin: goodbye.. Y/N! Have a Happy Life!

Namjoon: bye! Dont break anything!

Y/N: okay.. bye mom.. bye dad

You waited for the 12:30 train.

When you reached Gwangju..

Y/N: is this gwangju?

Random person: yes.

Y/N: thanks!

Random person: no problem.

Y/N: there's the bus stop.. just gotta take the bus that goes to Gwangju Global High.

When the bus dropped you off at Gwangju Global High.

You walked 0.1 miles to your dorm.

You got your room key and your room at your dorm.

As you walked into your dorm...
It had a kitchen, small living room, bathroom and bedroom. The bedroom had 2 beds with mattresses.

You unpacked.

Y/N: with this 50$ i need to buy stuff like food and pay monthly rent since Gwangju Global High doesn't own this dorm.

Next to your bed.. had a picture of your family.. Namjoon, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook.

Y/N: heres my new life.. as a 15 year old.. who will grow and get older here.

You saw that the dorm provided you with a full kitchen, and a full living room.

You sat on the couch watching TV, thinking about your new life.

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