Mikaela hyakyua x Feirds sister reader (love and hate thing)

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Mikaela hyakyua P.O.V
It was 4 years when it happened I hated Ferid I wish he was dead and his sister (Y/n) bathory she didn't do anything to me but I HATE her so much I want kill her "why do you hate me so much Mikaela" someone said behind me I turn around see (Y/n) she looked sad when you she said that "because I hate you" I said to her she looked down a shadow got over her eyes and my eyes widened because I say a tear fall down "you really are a jerk I don't know why I try and be nice to you you asshole" she said that and ran away "w-wait" I tried and stop her she was gone then her brother feird came and said "you missed up bad" "shut up!" And ran when she ran I really did miss up bad
Your P.O.V
I ran and ran to my legs got tired fall down and sobbed then one of my human friends shinoa and mitsuba yes I am friends with humans I have more like yoichi  Yuichiro and kimizuki (me: (Y/n)!.you:sorry!)came saw me crying "(Y/n) what happened" then yelled and ran to me "I-I'm f-fine" I said to them and they look like they didn't believe me "(Y/n) plz tell us what happened we are worried for you" they said "WHY ARE YOU WORRIED FOR A UGLY VAMPIRE LIKE ME I AM WORTHLESS USELESS AND UGLY" you yelled at them they look taken back "(Y/N) YOU ARE NOT UGLY OR WORTHLESS OR USELESS YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL MORE BEAUTIFUL THEN US YOU ARE WORTH SAVING AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL WE HAVER SAW SO DON'T SAY THAT EVER AGAIN WE DO CARE FOR YOU SO PLZ TELL US WHAT HAPPENED!!!" Shinoa yelled and cryed same gos to mitsuba I and started to cry "I am so sorry plz forgive me why did a deserve amazing friends like you too I am so sorry" I said and cried they looked each other ran to me and hugged me "it's ok it's ok let it all out" they said to me "so do tell us what happened (Y/n)" mitsuba said "I just found out that someone I like hates me"I say and tears in my eyes and shinoa wipes them away "you don't him (Y/n) us girls don't need a men man are so stupid" mitsuba said that I laughed "ya they are" me shinoa and mitsuba laughed "MAN ARE NOT STUPID!!" Someone yelled we turn around and saw Yuichiro or yuu and laugh harder "yes they are yui" shinoa said and laugh"IT'S YU NOT YUI!!" He yelled again and we laughed harder if it's possible "I can't stop laughing god hahaha!" We said together "grrrrrr fuck you guys!" He yelled god damn I love all of them they made my day and did I know a blonde vampire was watching us
Mikaela P.O.V
I really am stupid why did I say that to her, her laugh is beautiful she is beautiful the female humans are right she is so much I made my mind up I am going to tell her sorry and to be mine this night I get up walk away without making noise
*time skip when it's night*
I left I letter on her bedroom door so she can see let's hope she comes oh and I told her friends to come to the girl with blonde hair was about to kill me who was mitsuba I stoped her from to kill when I said I was going to say sorry and tell her to be my girlfriend and they said ok they were going to come I said wear something nice and said ok I said the same with her other friends my brother and his friends and krul let's do this I hope she says yes
Your P.O.V
I saw a letter on my bedroom door I wonder what it say mmmmm I wonder it says
Plz come to the garden I have something to say and a
Surprise plz come
Mikaela hyakuya
P.s wear something nice
Should I go I am scared I should go I don't want him to hate me more wear something nice why I don't have nothing nice to wear I go tell krul
Krul tepes P.O.V
I was getting ready for the surprise for (Y/n) I knew (Y/n) doesn't have nothing nice so I got her one she going to come now "krul I need to ask you something" called itttt "let me guess you did a something nice to wear" I said to her the look was so funny "h-how" "I have my wears here you go" I give the dress "thank you krul and may I ask you something" you said "ya sure" I said "why are you dressed" shit shit "I was......going to the ball ya ball" great save yes "ok then have fun and thank you" (Y/n) said "you two and your welcome" I said to her this is going to be fun *giggles*
Your P.O.V again!
*time skip when you go to the garden and your wearing the dress*
I get to the garden I punch open the doors what I saw was beautiful I saw shinoa mitsuba Yu yoichi kimizuki and krul when I looked up a head I saw Mika smiling at me a real smile he give me his hand for me to take I did "(Y/n) I am so sorry for everything I said to you I was blinded by rage for your brother I guess I wanted to take it out of someone and l-l-love you so much plz be mine I love you" he said I had tears running down my face "yes I will be your I love you to" I hugged him we started to cry together all my friends cheered
*when the war end and yu found something to turn you guys back to human and your older back time skip*
Mika P.O.V
I live a happy life with my family and a beautiful wife (yes you guys got married) and we have a beautiful son and daughter our son as (Y/n) hair and my eyes and his a daddy's boy our daughter has my hair and (Y/n)'s beautiful eyes she a mommy's girl I love it and no one can change I love my family.

(Done wow that took long but I hope you guys liked it plz send requests it's always open so don't be shy but no lemon plz and bye)
Coming up
Mikaela hyakuya x werewolf reader (request)

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